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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

JON STEWART Goes OFF On Congress


  1. This country better hope there is not another 9/11u can ask the snowflakes to do the rescues.

  2. This is so sad. Good for John Stewart for calling the members in the chamber for not really giving a crap. Someone should be there every day reminding Congress to do their jobs (serve the public, not themselves).

  3. Amen Brother. But unfortunately for us Congress is a bunch of self serving, backslapping opportunists preying on the American people. I say vote them all out every election cycle until we find people who are there to serve their country.

  4. The US government is inherently evil and corrupt to its core.
    It matters not, WHO occupies the offices of the US government.
    There is an external control over this government and over all major world governments.

    Corruption is now inherent in the organization of the government.
    Crime pays big time and it always has for those who go big.
    Real power is hidden behind these actors in Washington.
    The financiers of the campaigns are the real power.

  5. It got PASSED only bc they were EMBARRASSED.

  6. Sock it to the Bastards !!!!! They shut the fkkk up toooo !

    They know he is Right !!!!

  7. They’re your buddies John. Suck it up

  8. Will someone answer my questions. I will say I sympathize with these 1st responders.
    1) what is the criteria for benefits?
    2) is this an indefinite time frame to file?
    3) did they not have health insurance to cover medical cost?
    4) was it not workman's comp to pay since it a job related injury?
    5) did the 1st responders agency not have life insurance equal to 1 year of salary?
    6) why am I being held responsible for their family?
    7) Those that are sick got 66 2/3 sick leave retirement did they not?

  9. Jon Stewart shouldn't be lecturing anyone on anything, stupid libtard fool!

  10. We need more of this! From EVERYONE!

  11. Expose Criminals in Congress > Oust them ALL !!!

    2 Term LIMITS >>>> NOW !!!!


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