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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Governor Hogan Declares July 5 a Holiday for State Employees

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that the July 4 Independence Day holiday for state employees will be extended to include Friday, July 5, 2019.

Since the July 4 holiday falls on a Thursday this year, the governor is granting state employees an additional day to gather with their families and enjoy the many celebrations taking place throughout the state.

“We have some tremendous family-friendly events taking place all around the state, not only on the Fourth of July, but throughout the entire weekend,” said Governor Hogan. “I hope the long holiday will encourage Marylanders to spend more time together and celebrate our nation’s independence with all we have to offer here in our great state.”

To avoid disrupting class and exam schedules, Maryland state universities will have the option to remain open on July 5 and schedule the additional holiday at a later date.


  1. Mighty generous of Mr Hogan

  2. Hope you taxpayers who have to work don't mind paying for someone else's day off.

  3. 12:04 no sh!t, how about that pos rino governor give us working fools a tax holiday break and not have to pay for crap like this!

  4. Hey hogan how about us working class people getting off with pay ?
    Where's the diversity and fairness there hogan?
    Reparation ?
    Guess we just have to keep working to pay for that
    What a huge back stabber

  5. He’s planning ahead for his re-election.

  6. Spend mo' money, generate mo' tax revenue.

  7. I guess you can look at it that way. BUT who has money with student loans. Isn't that the excuse now a days. Pay off my debt so I can buy more - maybe Bernie is right. Have taxpayers pay for our children's lack of responsibility and accountability. My husband's motor cycle was stolen - no insurance - he still had to payoff the loan. This was in the 60s. No hand outs for him.

  8. exactly 12;04..why cant they use vacation time like we have to do if we want it off! oh! and im sure the lottery commission is pickin up the bay bridge toll bill for the 4th weekend, As usual instead of the lottery funding another case of government incompetence luke education as promised. They use it to allow the hordes to flood the ES.

  9. Plenty of Government jobs available. Quit complaining and come on over! Oh, and 623, Hogan is already in his 2nd term. He isn't eligible for re-election.

    1. He’s looking to get elected to something else then. Always a method to his madness.

  10. Hey now, what about county. County lives matter. Hahaha.

  11. I can’t believe you’re still complaining about your husband’s motorcycle that was stolen in the 1960s

  12. This is an outrage to all hard working Marylander's. We all have to work hard with no paid holidays to support people who don't care, have no sense of urgency, have generous health care, pensions and retirement, usually are not qualified to hold positions but are in them due to their race and or gender and usually are hard to deal with, treat the public unfairly and with onerous regulations keep people from working. the sad part of it is these people have no pressure like the private sector to perform and yet they get their check every Friday whether they work or not!

  13. Democratic move to buy votes while stealing money from the State Employees Retirement Fund without replacing it with interest.. They can use Personal leave or Annual leave.

  14. 5:43 are you employed by the state? Doesn't sound like it so why would you get off? Do I get off when someone from another company, state, county, whatever gets off? GO cry about it somewhere else

  15. Watch Jake Day follow suit and give all Salisbury employees the same

  16. Has he pissed me off? Yep, but you know what? I'm voting for Senator Hogan, he's going to be better than the two commie scumbags we have currently.

  17. Please let your husband know his motorcycle is still running strong. Just aces I is here and there.

  18. 9;02 he doesn't have state employees behind him he already lost their votes, rotten insurance and benefits since he took office, has never helped correctional officers thinks more of the criminals. Hasn't had an original idea since he took office and all his selfies are of him eating imagine that. HE has never supported the Eastern Shore, just Day because he follows Hogan's lead on every issue. They remind me of Laurel & Hardy what a team.

  19. If you didn't apply for a job or couldn't pass the exams, drug and background tests then who is to blame?

  20. I find it amazing that our worthless wanna be democrat gov can find the money to give these government employees a paid day off, but he cut the funding to the senior citizen meals on wheels. Just no money anywhere for the people who worked every day and now need a little help. Amazing just amazing...............?

  21. Nothing like just giving working taxpayer's money away to government employees for a "free day off" with pay. Why does it seem to me that it should be illegal for a governor to just declare a paid day off for state employees without going through a legislative procedure? Shouldn't there have to be some kind of oversight, or approval process? A lot of Marylanders are being denied their government services for a another whole day (even thought they have a slew of paid holidays already) as a result of the governor's actions. If he can do this, what's to stop him from just "declaring" every Friday a paid day off for state employees?

  22. That's our Socialist, tax and spend, RINO governor for you. Just giving away the taxpayers money so government employees don't have to work. Worst so-called Republican governor EVER.

  23. Yeah, that's right. Just throw our money away. Why do they deserve an extra day? And with pay?

  24. 1) not all state employees are getting a paid day off. Only Merit.
    2) Maryland is not only state that gave employees off July 5th. Hogan made his decision after several other states did so.
    3) previous governor furloughed state employees around holidays. (No pay) so it eventually balances out.
    4) no one ever said life is fair.

  25. June 27, 2019 at 8:55 AM:

    Hear, hear. Said like a tried and true, dyed in the blue, state employee. How many days till you collect the pension? Are you in the 100+ accrued paid sick days league yet? But I still wouldn't want to be a "civil service" employee like yourself. They are the most unmotivated people to have to deal with anywhere. The attitude is "Why bother? I'll still get paid, and they can't fire me." I personally know those people. It's no secret how they feel about their jobs. Everybody is just counting the days until they retire (and then get literally paid for doing nothing), or go get another government job and double dip with a second taxpayer funded retirement plan. The only good news about MD states employees is that MD is not the worst state that rapes the taxpayers and gives it to state employees.

    1. I’m a state employee of 26 years, and I bust my butt every day. Do you ask about accrued sickleave? I am over 200 days. Do you know why? I don’t call out sick.

  26. Thanks governor. I appreciate your respect for us by giving us the day off. Now I don’t have to use my vacation day.

  27. Where’s the small business tax and regulations relief you ran on governor?All we see is more giveaways.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Plenty of Government jobs available. Quit complaining and come on over! Oh, and 623, Hogan is already in his 2nd term. He isn't eligible for re-election.

    June 25, 2019 at 8:03 AM

    I wash people's windows on street corners for pennies. I haven't hit low enough yet to consider Public sector theft.


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