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Monday, June 17, 2019

Border Patrol agents fall prey to illnesses plaguing migrant holding centers

Some Border Patrol agents in Texas are concerned about exposure to Ebola by a migrant fleeing the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the United States.

But more of them are worried about other illnesses frequently popping up among detainees at stations across the southern border, according to union representatives.

Border Patrol’s holding facilities in the Del Rio and El Paso sectors, or regions, are inundated with sick detainees, as well as sick agents.

Jon Anfinsen is a National Border Patrol Council vice president and based in Del Rio, which includes Eagle Pass, where most Congolese are arriving. Anfinsen represents approximately 1,000 agents who are based out of 10 regional holding stations. Anfinsen has been an agent 12 years and said the number of people in custody and subsequent illnesses among that population is “unprecedented.”

“Scabies, chickenpox — we had one case of the mumps here in Uvalde. I wanna say we had measles — plenty of the flu, plenty of colds, body lice, just assorted. And some of these things, they spread like wildfires when you get into a cramped holding cell. It happens,” Anfinsen said.

“Active tuberculosis comes in fairly regularly. We had an incident of H1N1, swine flu, in Clint [Texas] with a juvenile. And then the ones that are most disruptive are the simple ones: regular flu or lice.”



  1. Why the hell are we holding them, they should be sent right back across the border, it's Mexico's problem not ours. The border patrol isn't ruthless and forceful enough, those illegals need to know they may get seriously hurt or killed trying to enter the US illegally.

  2. And just wait for Ebola to come next!!!! People from the Congo are trying to get in!!!!

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Is anyone actually surprised at this development? Thanks to Marxist democrats and fearful, bed wetting republicans, the third world has been allowed entrance, both legal and illegal in order to secure more votes for democrats. Bring in the third world and you end up with third world diseases and third world violence and culture. They bring their problems with them folks!


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