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Monday, June 17, 2019

Africans coming across southern border have ‘rolls of $100 bills’

The “poor huddled masses” coming across the southern border may not be so poor after all.

Swiss journalist Urs Gehriger recently visited African migrants who breached the border and hung out on the streets of San Antonio, Texas, waiting to go elsewhere in the country, and he met hostility from people who didn’t want to share details about their experiences, conflicted each other, and had rolls of $100 bills.

In a recording played on Fox News, Gehriger asks a migrant from Congo how she got to America.

She refused to say.

“We are here now in the United States. Why do you ask about Ecuador?” a woman said, referring to the reported country they passed through.

As Gehriger continued to ask simple questions, he said they backtracked and “were not answering at all.”

“They wouldn’t tell me anything about how they got here, and then they started to get aggressive and they were contradicting each other,” he told Laura Ingraham.

More here


  1. Soros money
    Let's rob them

  2. so when is george soros going to be arrested?

    1. Hopefully tomorrow!

    2. So when is george soros going to "commit suicide by multiple gun shots" is a better question

  3. Great !! Tell them we are FULL & already have enough of
    them !!!! LOL

    Get Lost !!!

  4. They must be from Oprah !!! LOL

  5. They should be the first to be deported.

  6. MUSLIM terrorists.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Any African should be immediately turned back and returned to wherever they came from. Guarantee that they will be a problem with regard to crime, violence, corruption and welfare, Medicare, food stamp and other government freebie programs available to them. They will never be positively productive in any way. The same holds true with Hispanics and Muslims. The problems we are now having will be dwarfed as their numbers grow.

  8. Rolls of money!!!! Hell that's what America wants. Let them in!


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