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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Black Student Activists Demand Columbia Fire Lecturer Who Prosecuted 'Central Park Five'

‘Columbia University has always been a site of anti-Black racism and violence’

It looks like Harvard University isn’t the only Ivy League school where student activists believe that working in the criminal justice system is grounds for exclusion from campus life.

Less than a month after Harvard removed Ronald Sullivan as faculty dean of Winthrop House – for representing disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein in his criminal trial – Columbia University’s black student activists are trying to remove another law faculty member for prosecuting defendants.

A Change.org petition by the Black Students’ Organization has almost 10,000 signatures. It was prompted by the new Netflix documentary When They See Us, which tells the story of four black and one Hispanic teenagers who were prosecuted for the rape and attempted murder of a white woman in New York City in 1989.



  1. From their own numbers would it be safe to say there are nearly 10,000 black or racists there?

  2. Boy, you sure haven't heard much about the MLK jr sexual assaults!!

  3. Do those who are complaining actually pay to go there?

  4. That is the problem radical students run the Universities and Colleges not the Administrators. Now you know the main problem with higher learning.


  5. Columbia is a bunch of squishes. It's where Eric the Pardoner Holder was a sit-in leader, and it's the outfit that gave an Indonesian-Kenyan a diploma.

  6. Colleges aka COMMIE socialists ZERO CREDIBILITY.


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