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Thursday, June 13, 2019

ADAMS: Letter To A Hateful Feminist

I hope you will forgive me for writing you this open letter, which will likely be read by thousands before you open it and realize that it is about you. Given that you have now graduated from UNC-Wilmington, I could not send it to your university email account, which has now been closed. Nor could I have sent you this letter prior to your graduation. Had I done so, you would have surely claimed that the reasoned criticism it contains somehow violates Title IX or some other obscure university policy.

Now that you are out in the real world, I wish to address your conduct toward me when you saw me last fall at the Starbucks on College Road next to the university. As you probably recall, you approached me after seeing the “I Hate Mike Adams” bumper sticker on the back of my computer. You gleefully asked me where you could get one and I told you that I had plenty in my office. When I offered to give you one free of charge, you acted surprised. After you regained your composure, you asked if I was Mike Adams. When I responded in the affirmative, you made it abundantly clear that you oppose my work as a free speech advocate. With no sense of irony, you even asked me why I spend my time engaging in and also defending “hate speech.”

As much as I appreciated your admission that you read my columns and follow my work, I wished you had started reading them earlier. Had you done so, you would have realized that the “I Hate Mike Adams” bumper sticker was a prank initiated by my good friend Jimmy Weaver who now lives in Arizona. After seeing a video of dozens of members of the Amherst communist party protest my speech at UMASS-Amherst, he decided to print up the bumper stickers as a hoax. Specifically, he thought that we could trick future communist protestors into buying them from me without knowing that I would be the one pocketing their money. I told Jimmy that I thought it would not work but he printed off 1000 stickers for me anyway free of charge. Fortunately, I was wrong and Jimmy was right.

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  1. Keep up the good work brotha man.

  2. Hateful feminist is pretty much a redundancy.


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