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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Waller: Memorialize Our Fallen Heroes by Keeping America from Becoming a Memory

Every Memorial Day, I think about those men and women I know who died in combat against our nation’s enemies. I think especially about the families who lost Marines under my command and how I owe it to them to ensure that I preserve not only their memory, but the safety and security of the very nation for which they gave their lives.

Similarly, every American owes a debt of gratitude to the generations of warriors who preserved our nation’s freedom against the evils of Colonialism, Imperialism, Nazism, and Socialism/Communism. If Americans expect to maintain that freedom, we must match our gratitude with a commitment to defeat the threats that, today, could turn our Republic and our freedom into a memory. These types of threats are referred to as “existential” — they hold at risk the very existence of America as we know it.

Today’s “existential threats” are embodied in the “Red-Green Axis” and the methods by which those adversaries are currently working to bring an end to America. The Red-Green Axis is an ideological and political combination of Marxism-Leninism and Sharia. The “Red” part of this Axis consists of threats ranging from the Socialist and Communist states of Russia and China to the Socialist movement in the United States, part of which is firmly entrenched in American society and even within the American government.

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