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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

'Go back to your trash heap neighborhoods and don't come back!'

Residents of Virginia Beach have been left fuming after Memorial Day weekend beachgoers left piles of garbage on the shore.

Public work crews and citizen volunteers responded to the Chic's Beach area of Virginia Beach before dawn on Monday to clean up after the mess left after the annual 'Floatopia' party.

A total of ten tons of garbage was removed from the shore, compared to the average of one ton following a typical weekend, WAVY-TV reported.

Video of the disgusting aftermath shot by resident Melissa Noel quickly went viral after she posted it on Facebook, drawing furious reactions from locals and elected officials alike.



  1. Sad to think people have no more respect for our once beautiful nation. These illegals that are coming will eventually turn things into the shi****** they are running from

  2. Observation! Looks like spoiled young adults that never had to clean up after themselves, so they just assume it disappears on its own.

  3. Be sure to thank a democrat.

  4. These are probably the same folks who are metaphorically screaming (the sky is falling) over global warming. What is so sad about this is they brought their goodies with them when they were heavier but found themselves incapable of carrying out the lighter rubbish. Go figure...

  5. OC Jellyfish will be here soon enough. Should be a great people watching sh*tshow!

  6. Virginia loves the $$$$ and the snowflakes so u get what you sow.

  7. Trashy pigs. Their homes probably look the same way.

  8. OC would love the trash... And the litter that comes with them.

  9. When you don't respect your heritage. NOBODY respect's YOU. VIRGINIA SUCKS. ALWAYS HAS!!


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