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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Uber driver, 23, 'kidnapped and planned to rape two women

California authorities say that a woman was forced to jump from a Uber driver's car and another threatened to break his window when he tried to make a move at them, according to court documents.

Gebrele Amare, a 23-year-old from Oakland, has been charged with kidnapping to commit a sex crime and sexual battery by restraint in connection to two separate rides he took on May 2.

Berkeley police say that the Oakland man attempted to get the women to have sex with him and believe that there other victims who have yet to come forward.

'What the riders reported is deeply troubling,' Uber spokesman Andrew Hasbun said to Berkeleyside. He added that once the riders alerted them to the behavior on May 2, Uber removed Amare's access as a driver for the company.



  1. You idiots keep trusting Uber and it's drivers.

    Did you know that Uber isn't required to follow the same inspections and business licenses as other taxis?

  2. UBER....what a great idea. We were taught as children not to talk to strangers or get into a strangers car. Now as adults, when we should know better, we are calling strangers to pick us up....pretty pathetic isn't it!


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