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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Study: Tariff on All Chinese Imports Would Create 720K American Jobs

A 25 percent tariff on all imported goods from China would create more than 720,000 American jobs by 2024, a new study finds.

The United States would undergo a nationwide reshoring-jobs effort if it imposed a tariff on all Chinese imports, the latest study from Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) researchers Jeff Ferry and Steven Byers finds.

Ferry and Byers’ study reveals that an across-the-board 25 percent tariff on every good imported to the U.S. from China would “deliver a significant, sustained boost to the US economy” by creating 721,000 American jobs and adding $125 billion to the nation’s GDP by 2024.

“Our model demonstrates that across-the-board US tariffs on Chinese imports stimulate the US economy, increase US production and jobs, and lead to a reduction in US import costs over time,” Ferry said.

More here


  1. Probably would ,...if you can afford that price

  2. Go for it. I think we need to isolate ourselves from China. Lots of other countries that we can trade with. Just let them wither on the vine!!!

  3. AKA: Chinese imports were enabled during the Clinton Administration and cost Americans 720,000 jobs

    I think that is a bit more accurate.
    Let's stop lying all the time and begin to tell the truth
    The US Government is the most corrupt in the world


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