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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Dems use hearing to repeatedly quiz, stump Ben Carson on obscure acronyms

For Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee, Ben Carson’s unfamiliarity with certain abbreviations is nothing to LOL about.

The lawmakers, perhaps in coordination or perhaps by chance, used a committee hearing Tuesday to repeatedly grill the secretary of Housing and Urban Development on the meaning of obscure acronyms -- and then mocked him for not knowing.

“I’d also like for you to get back to me – if you don’t mind – to explain the disparity in REO rates. Do you know what an REO is?” California Democrat Rep. Katie Porter asked.

Carson responded, "OREO?"

“No, not an Oreo. An REO,” Porter shot back, explaining she was asking about real-estate owned properties.

Shortly afterward, her office captured the exchange for Twitter posterity.

“I asked @SecretaryCarson about REOs - a basic term related to foreclosure - at a hearing today,” she tweeted. “He thought I was referring to a chocolate sandwich cookie. No, really.”

Yet this wasn’t the only instance Tuesday where Carson was quizzed on his agency lexicon. At another point, Ohio Rep. Joyce Beatty asked Carson to discuss “OMWI.”

Their discourse degenerated from there.

“Are you familiar with OMWI and what it is?” Beatty asked.

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  1. Acronyms suck. People who use them without first referring to them as a whole term are thoughtless and rude.

  2. I think I can say Ben Carson was easily the smartest person in the room by far, this is like a group of 1st graders quizing a College proffessor.

  3. 9:36 I think it's fair to say that if you are in charge of housing you should at least know what REO stands for.

    1. 10:23 And you fell for that didn’t you? 😂🤣

  4. 10:23
    He deals with government housing. REO is owned by a lender. As many trick questions as the media tries to throw at people it's no wonder he questioned it.

  5. only smart people admit when they don't know something!

  6. Everybody knows you dip REO's in milk.

  7. Just a bunch of obnoxious people without a sense of humor. Congressional hearings are a joke. They don't want answers. They just want a platform for their constituents. Belittle someone to make yourself look good. Nothing more.


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