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Friday, May 31, 2019

Robert Mueller is a Sleazy, Shameful, Partisan Hack

Robert Mueller should have been disbarred decades ago, along with his enforcer Andrew Weismann; that is how egregious his record of malfeasance is, all matters of public record.

What he did Wednesday morning was his final IED tossed at the President to placate his Democrat overlords who desperately want to impeach Trump. But for what? Mueller gave no list of felonies in his report nor did he detail any crimes of which Trump is even amorphously guilty.

This entire enterprise, the fabricated notion that Trump and/or persons within his campaign colluded with Russians to cheat his way to the presidency was illegitimate from the outset. It did not happen. Not even a very expensive team of Trump-haters could find their way to naming anyone on the Trump side guilty of anything illegal having to do with the election. And we can be certain that if they could have bent and twisted any relationship, any meeting, any friendship, any past association to find Trump guilty of anything, this band of malefactors would have run with it. They found nothing but gossip and innuendo, rather like a clique of mean girls in middle school.



  1. mueller is a snake, bought off by the deep state traitors trying to destroy our country for personal power gains

  2. mueller is an ass ole who could have put this whole collusion fiasco to bed and healed the country but chose to keep the lie going. It seems this is personal with Pres Trump as mueller once joined one of Trumps golf clubs in Va for 15K and then tried to back out and asked for a refund several years later and was denied.

  3. Muller was a very close friend to Traitor John McCain, no need to explain more.

  4. How did an aircraft carrier get named after the countries biggest Traitor? Also the guy that killed more Navy men than any Vietnamese ever did?
    I'm asking about the John McCain, aren't ships named when being built?
    If so, then they were building this before the lying piece of shit GOP Traitor was dead!

  5. Mueller is just still pissed off that Trump accused him of conducting a witch hunt and saying he should have been fired. Poor baby. Trying to get even over Trump hurting his feelings. But hey, no crimes committed. Mueller can't change that.


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