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Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie blocked a disaster aid bill in the House by objecting to a unanimous consent vote Tuesday, delaying $19.1 billion dollars of aid.

“If the Speaker of this House felt that this was must-pass legislation, the Speaker of this House should have called a vote on this bill before sending every member of Congress on recess for 10 days and I object,” Massie said on the House floor.

This comes as Senate negotiators agreed to a nearly $20 billion disaster relief package for Americans Thursday, with hopes it would pass the House Friday. However, Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy originally blocked the disaster aid bill in the House by objecting to a unanimous consent vote, saying the bill should include funding for the crisis at the border and that members should be in town to actually vote on the legislation.

Roy thanked Massie, after he objected to the unanimous consent vote Tuesday, saying in a statement, “I commend my colleague, Rep. Massie, for objecting to today’s Unanimous Consent on a $19.1 billion-dollar emergency supplemental bill that has been languishing for over 8 months because Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic conference would rather play politics on impeachment than do the work of the people.”



  1. The Dems don't have a clue as to what's coming for them. Or maybe they do...

  2. Agree 6:09. They metaphorically claim they can chew gum and walk at the same time (legislate and investigate). Now with the Mueller report out they are chomping at the bit to impeach. Going to be so interesting to hear what crime Trump committed. Take heart, most of the 2020 dems running for president are non starters and to winnow the field of pesky no names the DNC has doubled the ante for debate rights. The poop is about to hit the fan and they will all be gasping for air when Barr unseals FISA documents and liberals caught up in the never Trump movement are outed.


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