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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

If You Can Kill a Human Before They’re ‘Viable,’ Why Does Doing the Same to a Turtle End in Jail Time?

Hypocrisy is not a new look for the left.

While the left pickets on the front steps of state legislative halls over a bill that dare protect a human baby once a heartbeat is detected, they are silent when it comes to a law that protects the unviable fetuses of the Atlantic Loggerhead.

A quick read of Florida’s Marine Turtle Protection Act proves my point: “A person, firm, or corporation that illegally takes, disturbs, mutilates, destroys, causes to be destroyed, transfers, sells, offers to sell, molests, or harasses any marine turtle species or hatchling, or parts thereof, or the eggs or nest of any marine turtle species described in this subsection commits a felony of the third degree.“(FLA. 379.2431 (1)(d)(5))

Yes. You read that right.



  1. A woman's body is hers to decide what to do with it. But if she is pregnant, she is carrying another body, a biological fact, and that person has a right to be protected. He or she cannot speak for himself or herself. So the pro-lifers are doing it for them. We do not hate pregnant women seeking abortions. Merely sharing alternative options since Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics don't offer sonograms before abortions. They do not make money if women change their minds and walk out of these clinics.

  2. if we take what the demonrats are professing then killing an infant outside the womb is ok, shouldn't we be allowed to give the abortionist what they want and abort them outside the womb?

  3. Wrong. You have no right to impose your religious beliefs on others.

  4. it not a religous belief 5:15 its a fact..a truth that most seem to deny

    How Should A Woman View Her Body and the Preborn Life Growing in Her Womb?

    "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3, NASV).

    "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NKJV).

    Your body DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU. its a gift from GOD. Confused lost and ignorant is how most selfish people roll

  5. 5:15 I'm pro-life but I wish your mother wasn't.

  6. 5:15 if abortion is such a wonderful thing and you are so in favor of abortion then why dont you practice what you profess and abort yourself?
    didn't think so hypocrite!

  7. Okay, we have all heard the arguments. Try this on...Why is it legal to abort a fetus but a person who murders a pregnant woman is charged with a double homicide? Hmmmmmmm.....

  8. Hypocrisy to the nth degree!

  9. The reason is because you don't understand the argument.

    Abortion is about consent, and the right to bodily autonomy. That is it. It has nothing to do with Turtles or their eggs.

    Those of you supporting making abortion illegal, are compelling a human against their will, and contrary to their consent, to have their body used in a way that violates them.

    You wouldn't tell a man that they must give of their bodies at risk of health or death against their will to support the life of any other. You would not legally force or compel them to do it, why is it any different for a woman.

    Consent to sex, is NOT consent to pregnancy. Pregnancy is a RISK of sex... just like a car accident is a RISK of driving, or choking is a RISK of eating.

    Clearly, many people don't understand the issue.

  10. @12:23 I'm pretty sure a baby does not consent to be aborted...you forgot to get the most important person's consent there.

    Also, your argument about forcing or compelling a man to give of his body for another isn't true. Not that it has anything to do with abortion but we live in a country where every male age 18 must register to be drafted for war if the government deems it necessary...even if it is against their will.

  11. @ May 30, 2019 at 2:49 PM

    Your failed analogy about the draft is a distortion and distraction of the point being made.

    The government cannot compel another man to give blood, tissue, or organs etc, at risk of their health or even death... analogous to what women are being told they must do.

    In fact, legal cases have been ruled saying exactly such. You must "gift" your body as donation, or sign up to do so. You cannot be compelled to give your organs even in death to save any person, including a family member.

    Your example does not line up. The DRAFT is not the same as the giving of body parts to another person, and the law recognizes it.

  12. 515

    go to New York....your mom does not want you now

    they will put you down


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