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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Medications That Wreck Your Memory

When people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s die and undergo autopsies, researchers have found that almost half of them never had the disease at all. So what is the problem? Why were these people mentally impaired near the end of their lives?

Many doctors believe prescription drugs were causing their confusion, and dementia. Nearly 90 percent of those 65 and older take at least one medication, and many of these drugs can cause cognitive problems.

“It’s crucial to look at the risks versus the benefits of many common medications given to older people,” Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., author of the best-selling book “Real Cause, Real Cure,” tells Newsmax. “Physicians need to be more careful when prescribing drugs that can cause loss of brain function.”

The common drugs listed below are associated with memory loss and confusion. If you are taking one or more of them — the mental effects are often more severe when they are taken in combination — talk to your doctor about alternatives.

More here


  1. Make no mistake about it, this is not done by chance or mistake, there is a reason why these stats are the way they are!!!!! THIS IS ON PURPOSE!!!! Some thing with fluoride, sure it sounds all warm and cozy, but what they don't tell you is, how the fluoride they use is a toxic version of fluoride, and eats away the metal and PVC pipes... Think about that...

  2. I could swear I saw this article today. Just can't remember where.


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