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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Barr accuses Dems of using criminal justice process as ‘political weapon’

Attorney General William Barr fired back Wednesday at Democrats who for weeks have called his integrity into question over his handling of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report, suggesting during a testy Capitol Hill hearing they were only using the issue to score political points ahead of the 2020 election -- and advising that the DOJ's role in the controversy is now "over."

“We have to stop using the criminal justice process as a political weapon,” Barr said during a back-and-forth with Connecticut Democratic Sen. Dick Blumenthal.

The dust-up with Blumenthal came after the senator told Barr "I think history will judge you harshly” and accused him of using his summary of Mueller’s probe to exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice. The senator called Barr the “fall guy for this report."

“I didn’t exonerate,” Barr replied. “I said that we did not believe that there was sufficient evidence to establish obstruction.”

Barr continued: “The job of the Justice Department is now over… the report is now in the hands of the American people. Everyone can decide for themselves. There’s an election in 18 months – that’s a very democratic process. But we’re out of it.”




  1. Very true accusation. They covered up Obama's lies and false / illegal executive actions and Holders lies and violations of Federal law, such as fast & furious which killed American citizens. Now they want to cover up Mueller's in actions in spending 25 million dollars and attempting to blame the Republicans. This is also violating rule of law and the Constitution by attempting to get Barr to reverse Mueller's indecision / actions.

  2. Democrats are running scared

    Barr is going to criminally charge people as in Hillary, Obama and alike.

    the Democrats and media are trying to discourage Barr from following through


    .Democrats are going to get nailed now


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