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Thursday, May 09, 2019

Denver Voters Deny Homeless the 'Right to Survive.' Here's What That Means.

On Tuesday, Denver voters were the first in the country to weigh in on whether homeless people should have what supporters say is the "right to survive." They responded with an overwhelmingly no.

As of 1 a.m., 83 percent voted against Initiative 300. The loss means that a citywide ban on camping -- and wearing a blanket in public -- will remain in place, effectively criminalizing homeless people who live in tents and on the streets.

Denver's vote came in the wake of a ruling that is making cities and states reevaluate anti-camping ordinances. In September, the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that Boise, Idaho’s policy of issuing citations to people for sleeping on the street if they have nowhere else to go was "cruel and unusual punishment." The decision had a ripple effect across the West. Olympia, Wash.; Portland, Ore.; San Francisco; and Sacramento, Calif., have all ceased enforcing their anti-camping laws.

At the state level, legislators in California, Oregon and Colorado have tried and failed to pass "right to rest" bills that would override local laws that effectively criminalize homelessness, Stateline reported.



  1. Why the F*** are you letting more people in then??


    Denver, that bastion of liberalism, shows their compassion for the homeless by making them be homeless somewhere else.


  3. More homeless= more programs =more government = more taxes and power for the libs.

  4. Not allowed to wear a blanket???? Hmm... should I get a citation or should I they freeze to death? tough choice!

  5. This is unfortunate but I agree. Open borders only exacerbates the issue. Many homeless reportedly suffer from some sort of mental illness or addiction from which there is no relief in sight. Political rhetoric is no solution and continually throwing good money after bad only perpetuates non productivity. Politicos espouse the same old same old "we need good jobs with higher pay"...what jobs? Technology is the order of the day. Rather than hand outs we need to train and encourage those less fortunate to be productive. Taxing the wealthy unfairly only discourages entrepreneurial spirit and critical thinking. Socialism is certainly not the answer.

  6. I'd rather camp in the woods. There's food there.

  7. Wow! Liberals are finally learning how to reason. Amazing.

  8. Where is this country humanity?

  9. these cities are magnets due to irresponsible democrat policies that rewards this behavoir instead of condeming it. appears the citizens have had enough of the liberal non sense

  10. Now that its illegal to be homeless we need more tax money to house people. The democratic socialist way.

  11. When I was a Sheriff Deputy we used to pick them up and drive them to the next couple of counties over and dump them. End of problem.


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