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Thursday, May 09, 2019

Chaos In Baltimore: City Government Paralyzed By Cryptocurrency Ransomware Attack

One week after troubled ex-Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh resigned after a criminal probe over her children's book series, the entire Baltimore City computer network system was shut down after a ransomware attack, The Baltimore Sun reports. Across the city, multiple intergovernmental agencies sent employees home Tuesday after email servers and communications platforms went dark. And according to a press meeting on Wednesday morning, the city’s communication system remains down.

Lester Davis, a spokesman for Mayor Bernard C. "Jack" Young, said the 911 emergency system was not affected but provided details about how the ransomware paralyzed important communication servers.

City officials had isolated the ransomware to computers associated with severs tied to the city's communication network, Davis said by late Tuesday afternoon, but how the infection penetrated the city's firewalls and the scale of the problem still remains unknown, he said. Davis also had no timeline about when the affected systems would be back online.

Dave Fitz, a spokesman for the FBI Baltimore Field Office, told The Baltimore Sun that special agents from its cyber squad were on site investigating the serious incident.



  1. They can't get any decent talent to work in that city!
    It is a cesspool of corruption!

    Starts with dumbocrat rule - you get what you elect!

  2. Hey Larry Hogan you should be assuming control over Baltimore city government rather than posing for pictures eating crabs

  3. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch of idiots.

  4. with all thats going on in Baltimore could this be a planned attack to fix some things that they didnt want anyone to find out

    1. No, it's just non-planned stupidity

  5. Hello? My name is Bob. I am from Microsoft. Your computer is running slowly.

  6. 10:33 that is so flippin funny!
    And if it wasn't so serious for Charm City, everyone would be laughing. I mean, who's the adult in the room?
    And this is what would happen if Bernie get's his way and allows convicted felons to vote.

  7. Hi Bob. Thanks for letting us know. C'mon in.

  8. Looky here

    I gotta eat my bag of chips to work yo

  9. Blow the bridges now and keep the vermin there

  10. "Across the city, multiple intergovernmental agencies sent employees home Tuesday after email servers and communications platforms went dark."

    Going dark in Baltimore government seems to be problematic. People who say anything about it lose their jobs.


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