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Thursday, April 11, 2019

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested after Ecuador withdraws asylum

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was carried out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London in the arms of British police and arrested Thursday, a dramatic scene that ended Assange's nearly 7-year stay at the embassy and left the world watching to see if the anti-secrecy site would retaliate.

Moments before the stunning arrest, Ecuador announced it had withdrawn Assange's asylum for “repeatedly violating international conventions and protocol.”

Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno described the decision to withdraw Assange’s asylum as a “sovereign decision” because of his alleged repeated violations.



  1. thats to bad he was a voice for the abuses of our secret sneaky crooked government

  2. 9:38 think about that statement real hard and long!!!! What does that say to you, that the govt is doing these evil things, well the people in govt are... And they don't want you knowing about it, why??? This should be all the proof you need...

  3. Arrest Chelsea Manning again and sew her penis back on. Tranny Traitor. No one would have ever heard of Wikileaks with out her....him...it ...whatever. What came of any of it ?

  4. This is what you get for exposing criminal, unconstitutional activities by those sworn to do niether.

  5. Over the last decade Wikileaks did more for real people and actual freedom world wide than anyone else I can think of. And he did it without killing anyone (that we know of).

    Assange will go down in history with people like Ghandi, MLK and Mother Theresa.

    So the charges on him are constantly moving. First it was surprise sex. Now its colluding with Chelsea Manning? It's really doubtful that Assange had anything to do with what Chelsea did. The US Govt still cant get past the fact that Wikileaks is simply a clearing house for info. Assange has nothing to do with what gets dropped into his lap. Corruption is so prevalent he doesnt have to "make" news. Morally inclined humans working for the scum of the earth are all trying to find a way to bring things to light. And if they are not careful about it they know they will end up in jail or dead.

    This arrest is disgusting.


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