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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Three top Pugh aides placed on paid leave from City Hall jobs

Three top aides to Mayor Catherine Pugh have been placed on paid leave.

Gary Brown Jr., Poetri Deal and Afra Vance-White were suspended from their posts in the Pugh administration on Tuesday. A receptionist in the mayor's office said that none of the three employees were in on Wednesday.

Lester Davis, a spokesman for Ex-officio Mayor Bernard C. "Jack" Young declined to comment on the suspensions, calling it a "personnel matter." Davis referred calls to City Solicitor Andre Davis, who declined in an email to comment because it was a "personnel matter."



  1. How much is that costing me?

  2. Whoo boy! Awaiting the other shoe to drop.

  3. London Bridge is falling down...falling down....

  4. Very refreshing when graft and corruption is exposed and something is actually being done to expose the perps.

  5. It seems a small plug has been pulled in the Baltimore swamp. But, it seems others are also about to be pulled.

  6. I just would really like to really see one of these books
    Do they really exist?

  7. The chips are starting to fall


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