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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Michelle Obama Elementary suggested as name for new Maryland school

CLARKSBURG, Md. — A group of residents in Montgomery County, Maryland is sending two suggestions to county school leaders about the name for an elementary school set to open in September.

Currently, the school under construction is generically named "Clarksburg Village Site #2 Elementary School" in Clarksburg.

A naming committee made up of 16 Clarksburg residents voted "Snowden Farm Elementary School" as its top choice and "Michelle Obama Elementary School" as its second choice.

The Snowden family were early settlers in the Clarksburg area and the new school is being built along Snowden Farm Parkway, a road named for the family.

Michelle Obama served as the First Lady of the United States from 2009-2017.



  1. I thinks we should calls it BLM School

  2. Man how times have changed for the worst!! The Obama's single handedly set this country back 100 years. My question is will it be "Michael " or Michelle Obama elementary school? Any idiot that supported giving Iran 150 billion dollars should be hung

  3. Does the entrance to the school seem way too wide, cuz that is Michelle!

  4. Definitely not the latter what has Michelle done for this country nothing and the 2nd worst after Hillary Clinton.

  5. If that's how it is, why don't we just call it Hitler middle

  6. What did she do for you and your schools except screw up your kids' lunch menu? Yeah, ketchup counts as a vegetable.

  7. She doesn't eat salad . OBVIOUSLY

  8. It's Montgomery county. The biggest RACISTS and BIGOTS in Maryland.

  9. Not worthy of having a school named after her. Keep looking. I am sure there are black and white leaders in their communities that deserve that distinction. How about a write in with a candidate proposal and their accomplishments to determine the naming.

  10. Oh Hell No, who comes up with this stupid BS. She destroyed school lunches everywhere and they want to honor that. In that case name it Michelle's Folly!!

  11. Obama School of Jive and Ebonics.

    You’re welcome.

  12. its micheal ..mike obamba.

  13. Best solution, enter names on slips and have outsider draw a name. That way, no one can claim it was racist.

  14. Nope 2:27, Wicomico County holds that distinction. Hands down.

  15. No @3:23 you've driven most of us out of wicomico county. Who wants to have to deal with the daily freak show Salisbury has become?You'll have to forgive us it's just we were raised that anything in life was possible if we wanted it bad enough and worked for it. To see wicomico county and Salisbury become a welfare section 8 city was more than alot of us could stomach.

  16. I'm sure that name will be approved for this location...probably would in WICO county as well.

  17. On heck no. Enough of naming things after people. How many little children will be traumatized by having to go to a school named after her? Save the children the trauma and the county the cost of renaming it in 50 years and name it after the county or street the school is on.


  18. Extremely poor idea. She is a private citizen with an undistinguished career record. They should stick to naming the school for the locale and sidestep embarrassing the school district down the road.

  19. Will their sport's teams be the "TRANNIES"???

  20. Makes perfect sense to me. All the kids will skip class and she has no class.

  21. Just the beginning. Look how many MLK streets in every State. What did he do really?

    1. At7:18 PM what Martin Luther King did is now not accepted by black lives matters Michelle Obama or Barack Obama or any of the so-called civil rights black leaders today. All he wanted was inclusion with no preferences. He did not want affirmative action or any of these programs that promote and give blacks preference when they should not have it because of Merit.

  22. should be School of Illegals For Higher Learning. That is a sanctuary part of MD so Honor it accordingly. Hogan and the Democrats would praise it as the best in MD.

  23. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! She has done absolutely nothing to deserve that. There are dozens of others more deserving. How could they do that? Name a school after one of the most bigoted,racists that ever lived??? NO WAY!!!

  24. NO,no,no,no,no,no,no ad infinitum.

  25. AKA: Michael Robinson Elementary

    He was a decent linebacker at Iowa University.
    Told his team mates he felt like a woman trapped in a man’s body.

  26. Ask Joan Rivers about Michael Obama.

    Oh that’s right, they murdered her.

  27. This lady hated America and white people. I don’t think she should be honored after this!

  28. Michael Lavaughn Robinson Soetoro Obama and AKA Frank Marshall Davis be his real daddy...His whole life is one fraud after another.

  29. Should be named Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson school- honor real heroes not a lying racist snob like the moochelle

  30. She (it) was one of, if not the most, Anti-American who despised white people passionately. She had no class whatsoever and doesn't deserve to have anything named after her except maybe a cow or an outhouse.

  31. I suggest the tool shed out back of the school, just to memorialize what a tool she is.

  32. Well like her husband or not she's a lot smarter than the third world mail order bride pageant Queen we have as first lady now. I know she's every looser's dream women like Ivana. LOL.

  33. What a joke.She never did a damn thing but steal from working part of the population.


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