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Sunday, April 28, 2019

A Viewer Writes..............


I went in for my DOC physical seeing this Dr. Traci Church Nurse Practitioner that took over Dr. Kahlil's practice. She required extra forms that I have never had to provide for any other Doctor that I have received a DOC physical renewal from in 10 years. These extra paperwork has cost me my CDL Driver License since my DOC physical has now expired. I have never had a problem with physicals before. Now I am out of part-time work since I am retired and needed this extra income.

She also was critical and criticized other Doctors and was very adamant about it. This was very unprofessional and never had other Doctors criticized other Doctors in the presence of a patient, especially me..

This so called Doctor Nurse Practitioner needs to be more professional and not be so uppity. The people that is going there better beware of their medical practices. I can be just as critical of her as she was these other Doctors and call her a QUACK in my opinion.

I have spread the word to all my Trucker friends and they are spreading the word through out the local Truck Drivers. I will never return to Mid Atlantic Primary Care. I will never refer anyone to them either. She is the worst so-called Doctor Nurse Practitioner I have ever seen / visited.


  1. You sound like a snowflake if you ask me. Maybe you shouldn't have waited so long to get your physical.

  2. What extra forms?

  3. Kahlil was the quack...wrote scripts if asked to write one, gave people that were legally blind a pass on physicals....glad somebody put a stop to the craziness.

  4. How did some extra paperwork cost you your CDL's? I'm not sure what a "so called Doctor Nurse Practitioner" is. If she has an MD, she's a doctor.

  5. "These extra paperwork has cost me my CDL Driver License since my DOC physical has now expired."

    How did extra paperwork cost you your CDL? You cost yourself the CDL by not getting the paperwork done in time and scheduling your physical in a timely manner. Don't blame your procrastination on some one else. How long has it been since your last physical? If it has been more than a few years maybe more paperwork requirements have been added.

    Also a person is either a Doctor or a Nurse Practitioner not both.

  6. Call the Maryland Board of Physicians @

    410-764-4777 - be sure to have the provider's full name, address of the practice and contact phone number of the practice when you call. Also, take a few minutes to type op a factual account of the issue that can be emailed and verified.



  7. Your Doc's In, north Salisbury. Make an appointment so you don't have to wait too long.

  8. why did you wate so long to get your DOC physical you have plenty of time to get it done if you would do it when you should even if you have some extra paper work don't be a procrastinate think well i have plenty of time

    1. Why did you “wate” so long to learn how to read and write. Oh wait, you still haven’t learned. I couldn’t even read the incoherent crap that you wrote. Grammar and punctuation are your friends.

  9. Told my husband to stay away from them because we don't want to lose our business and have to sell our trucks. He also is spreading the word. Not the first time heard this

  10. Wow !!! I hope you are a perfect truck driver, husband, friend etc. Don’t forget about glass houses and stones. Why didn’t you sign your name so she knows whom to sue for slander??

  11. I"m sorry you had a bad experience with Ms. Church...she has been my "physician" for a couple of years. She has always been professional, thorough and attentive. I do mean thorough. She has recently taken over that medical practice and no one should be critical of her following rules and regulations. I would highly recommend her to anyone needing medical care.

  12. You can have the DOC physical redone somewhere else any primary physicians office can do them. You have put the word out and others will go somewhere else for their physicals. The attitude you observed is much more concerning, sounds like a neurologist I used to see in Salisbury, he was never interested in my health or problems just trying to get me to gossip about the doctors I worked for.

  13. April 24, 2019 at 11:08 AM
    Good luck with that. Sounds like her office responding. He didn't slander anyone. He gave a factual account of his experience.

    You would have to prove malicious intent and also prove damages.

    Slander may be limited to actual (special) damages unless there is malicious intent, since such damages are usually difficult to specify and harder to prove.

  14. More importantly what is a DOC physical? I believe you mean DOT physical. What are the extra forms? Apparently, you have a medical a condition. That requires a medical clearance before you can be cleared for your DOT..

    1. I figured maybe he was transporting prisoners for the department of corrections, in which case he should have a thorough physical because we don't want a "Fugitive" on our hands.

  15. First of all she isn't a Doctor--so Don't put a Dr. in front of a Nurse practictioner--it's insulting to real doctors--she's not a physician, not a doctor--so you get what you pay for

  16. 3:59 PM some doctors are idiots and their title and degree aren't worth the paper it is written on.

  17. The author is confused about her title because her business cards say -

    Dr. Traci Church, Nurse Practitioner.

    I found that a bit confusing and concerning, also.

  18. For all you know it alls. She goes by Dr with Nurse Practitioner below. That tells me she is confused on her qualifications. I had it scheduled prior and they kept rescheduling knowing by time frames, so it was not on me. Yes I should have gone somewhere else, since they kept rescheduling. I will accept that. If you jerks must know I get a physical every year and have no problems. This QUACK was second guessing my personal Dr and my Cardiologist, which both has given a clean bill of health within the last 4 months. She is not my family DR nor is she a Cardiologist. She requested these 2 Dr's to fill out forms, since she disbelieved their assessments. These assessment forms were because she is a nosy person. You look at the DOT paperwork they are not mandatory. Who is she to question 2 Drs assessments when she has lesser qualifications. You critizers want to go to this Quack then be my guest, but don't complain about false diagnosis.

  19. If already have a primary Dr., why did you have to go to her for this physical?

  20. 5:21 If all that you say is true then find a lawyer and take her to court. You will certainly win and I am sure there are plenty of lawyers who will gladly take your case.

  21. Primary care doctors can no longer perform DOT physicals unless they take Government mandated training. My doctor opted out of the additional training in spite of how much more he knows so "the government" took him off the list.

  22. 6:02 PM Because not all doctors do DOT physicals.


  23. She has DR on her cards and office door. Went once and I am done. Front desk staff lies to patients constantly. Needed to see the shrink next door after the visit. Good luck finding a good primary doctor in town.Traci needs a salad and a shrink to boot.

  24. I have not seen her, but she is a Nurse Practitioner, with a PhD of Nurse Practitioner - so she is a Doctor - much like a professor may be a Doctor.

  25. April 24, 2019 at 9:13 PM
    Her sister runs the front office.
    I am not at all comfortable with her.
    Lacks professionalism and common sense.

  26. If the person has her Doctorate, advanced degree, her title would be Dr., as an english professor or any other degree. To have the title of Nurse Practitioner means she has gone to school and received her Masters Degree. Essentially, she may have a better degree and training than a medical doctor.

  27. Anon &:15.

    Are you nuts? "She may have a better degree and training than a medical doctor" Physicians at a minimum have 20,000 hours of direct patient care experience before they can practice medicine. Nurse practitioners have 500. Doctors of NP may receive 2000 hours. Just because some Nurse has a DR. in front of their name does not make them equal to a physician. Even at 20,000 hours of medical school and residency education physicians will tell you there is an enormous amount that they don't know. Nurse Practitioners however will tell you they know everything. My advice -- stay away.

  28. Time to retire. You can't pass the physicals anymore. You might have gotten away with being an unqualified driver for years, but not anymore. The fact you had to take a DOT physical every year, and not every two years is proof you have a medical condition that needs to be controlled (blood pressure, diabetes). Yes, I know what I'm talking about. And if you get your medical problem under control, you can get your CDL reinstated. Quit your griping and see your primary care doctors and get healthy enough to drive The public doesn't need your unqualified butt behind the wheel of a truck, or bus. You were obviously a danger to yourself and the public. The Nurse Practitioner was doing her job and enforcing the rules to keep you from endangering the public. You don't have a right to a CDL license. You have to be qualified. You are not.

  29. To say she may have a better degree and training then a Medical Doctor is idiotic. You obviously don’t have a clue what it takes to become a physician. Nurse Practitioners know but a fraction of what a physician knows. The thing about Doctors is they know what they don’t know yet NP’s think they know everything because they have been exposed to next to nothing. The government it it’s infinite wisdom to try and address the physician shortage have allowed NPs to practice independently. Which is a mistake however the public is clueless and thinks they are equal. The public does not even know the difference between an Internist and an FP. If you are ignorant to the facts that is your fault.

  30. Not posing as an expert here, but:

    MDs (Medical Doctors) and DOs (Doctors of Osteopathy) have relatively unlimited privileges to practice medicine on all comers for all causes. Yes, there are also many with specialties but they start with MD or DO first.

    NP (Nurse Practitioner) begins with a RN (Registered Nurse) who may have started with an Associates degree but needs to achieve BSRN (Bachelor's in Nursing) and MSN (Masters in Nursing) before being awarded the NP credential. NPs may also have specialties and they get other initials bundled onto their NP to designate. IIRC, NPs practice under the implied supervision of a MD or OD. RNs can administer meds but can't prescribe; NPs can do both.

    PAs (Physicians Assistant) are also health care providers. Some have specialties. They do not have RN licenses and practice under the supervision of a MD or OD.

    I believe I've been accurate in my descriptions, above. Correct me in a friendly fashion if needed.

    PhD in Nursing is a rather recent creation, IIRC. My personal opinion is that a NP with a PhD in Nursing is being intentionally confusing by using Dr. as a prefix; it should follow their name and precede their NP certifications, as in Clara Barton, PhD, NP.

    Traditionally a PhD meant the recipient was a bona fide expert in some academic pursuit, however concise. Law schools got on the band wagon by changing the LLB degree to JD (Juris Doctor) so most lawyers could also style themselves as Dr. Sue You, Esq like the NP in question. Color me dubious that the PhD in Nursing requires the additional innovative and unique work that a traditional PhD does. JD certainly doesn't.

    My comments are not meant to down any individual, but to illuminate the confusion consumers of health care confront in choosing a caregiver. My sibs are MD surgeons, RN, lawyers; our aunts and uncles were in the same professions.

  31. 11:34
    He passed the physicals. He had been to both his other doctors and gotten a letter from them saying everything is ok. NOT ALL primary care doctors do DOT physicals. This nurse practitioner thought she was better than the doctors and wouldn't take the letters from the doctors.

  32. Traci Church is not a physician. she is a nurse practitioner with the highest degree of learning of a Nurse. Doctorate, which does give her the right to use the term Dr after her name. Nurse Practitioner, and she can diagnose and write prescriptions... DNP is what she is. A physician has to go thru longer education and more training. I myself have concerns with a practitioner practicing medicine without a degreed physician, medical doctor at that facility. Many are going this route due to high insurance costs due to law suits. Many doctors offices have them there to help treat patients to keep up with the demand of patients being seen. There is no problem with that due to there being physicians there to confide with. Traci Church does not have this, She is the care giver and calls the shots, she is the boss, its now her practice. Do your research before choosing your healthcare provider.

  33. Beware of this place. Front office lady does not know what she is doing. False statements and was questioned by everyone who came in.

  34. Don’t wait until the last minute to renew your physical!

  35. I had a very bad experience with a physician's assistant prescribing medicine she was told I was allergic to, now I only see real doctors.

  36. Preach 11:34. Just another boomer who complains about people complaining until they have one inconvenience and then its wah wah wahhhhh.


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