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Monday, April 01, 2019

Is It Racist? Black Georgia Mayor Bans White Reporters From Press Conference

No media (T.V. Radio, etc.) Black Press Only!" read a sign posted on the door of Bolton Street Baptist Church, the Savannah Morning News reported.

White reporters were denied entry to a meeting to discuss an upcoming mayoral race in Georgia, while black reporters for at least two television stations and the publisher of the black-owned Savannah Tribune newspaper were allowed into the meeting.

Reporters who got inside were prohibited from taking photos, video or audio recording, according to Stephen Moody, an African-American reporter with WJCL who attended the event.

AP reports that Mayor Eddie DeLoach is seeking re-election this fall. He became Savannah's first white mayor in 20 years after winning the 2015 campaign.



  1. They truly can't help it!! They get a taste of relevance and acres it up for everyone

  2. Blatantly Discriminatory cancel their religious tax exempt status for 5 years.

  3. They truly can't help it!! They get a taste of relevance and screw it up for everyone

  4. Give them an inch and they take a mile. No racism allowed should be for all races, we have swallowed it down for years were were none around during the Civil War but we are all still paying for it, do you see the Jews hating all Germans still for what was done to them no. Get over it let today be the first day of all our lives, live together, support one another. There is a very strong wave out there that only whites are racists we know it's not so. Please change we are all God's children.

  5. Gee who is the racist here

  6. Well said 11:58 !

  7. Blacks who ascribe to actions such as banning whites at their meetings feel justified. The primary reason is they know they can't compete on an intellectual level with whites. They won't acknowledge it, but they know it is true.

    As usual, taking the path of least resistance (AKA- Intellectually Lazy) allows them to think they have won when they haven't even entered the playing field.

  8. If you're scared of dealing with whites, just say so...

  9. This is acceptable in America today they have no worries of being criticized by the media who actually promotes division

  10. If we had said no black reporters, there would be a real stink!

  11. Maybe whites should follow their lead


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