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Monday, April 22, 2019

George Mason University President Has 'Painful' News For Students Upset With Kavanaugh Hiring

George Mason University students upset about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh teaching a class in England this Summer have, in so many words, been told by president Angel Cabrera to take a hike.

Earlier this month, triggered students at GMU demanded that Kavanaugh be removed from the faculty despite his class being taught in Runnymede, England — where the Magna Carta was signed. The students argued that women would be deeply harmed by Kavanaugh's presence among the faculty due to the sexual assault allegation brought against him by Christine Blasey Ford without corroborating evidence during his confirmation hearing.

"The hiring of Kavanaugh threatens the mental well-being of all survivors on this campus," a female student told The College Fix at the time.

According to HuffPost, GMU president Angel Cabrera told students that while he understands they are upset about Kavanaugh's hiring, the university will not reverse course.



  1. It is so sad to see snowflakes suffer a meltdown. Actually, I am surprised that the President, Faculty and the Administration stood up to the students. They don't normally do that anymore.

  2. Thank you, Dr. Cabrera, for not bowing to the irrational.

  3. Northwest Woodsman : About time someone with balls stood up to these Marxist liberal snowflakes.

  4. They have to learn sometime you can't always get what you want.

  5. What's the sound of snowflakes sucking?

  6. It's about time someone stood up for their decision. Suck it up snowflake and stay away.

  7. Maybe, just maybe they'll actually learn that they were mistaken and snowed by the Liberal ringleaders.

  8. He was never proven guilty a d was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. You don't get higher than that. One would expect a college student to understand that logic or they need to go back to elementary school

  9. Wanna bet that there's an associate professor or two egging these flakes on? Maybe somebody in the Women's Studies wing?


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