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Monday, April 22, 2019

10-Year-Old Maryland Girl Born Without Hands Wins Handwriting Contest

FREDERICK, Md. (WJZ) — Sara Hinesley is your typical 10-year-old girl, but this resilient girl is overcoming obstacles with a smile.

Sara is a remarkable student who’s proving when it comes to academics, nothing will stop her.

“I like to play, I like to watch TV,” Hinesley said, who recently came to the U.S. from China.

She excels in the classroom at St. John Regional Catholic School in Frederick and she recently won a national handwriting contest that recognized for her excellence in cursive, the Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest.



  1. Should this read 10 year old girl from China?

  2. I won't mention any names but some of us remember the son of a GI that married an English gal in the 60's and this kid was a victim of Thalidomide. Arms only to the elbow and one long enough to hold a pencil and one leg. Granted he must have been frustrated but he was brilliant. Beautiful hand writing, in all the advanced classes and was even a place kicker on the football team. Yes with his prosthetic leg. He even played the base drum in the marching band. I am walking on egg shells here because I don't know what the present Politically Correct term is but don't underestimate or dismiss differently abled persons. I myself have been a occupational trainer and found and placed developmentally disabled adults in jobs and group homes and some out in the world on their own . Why can't we do the same for Vets and all the disadvantaged ? It's really not that hard. Not everyone is looking for a hand out some just need a hand UP and some simple unpatronizing compassion.
    Everyone is worried about the unborn but they do very little to help,support and liberate the unfortunate that are here.

  3. I am old enough to remember the thalidomide story. I even remember that a lady named Sherry Finkbine has taken thalidomide and went to Sweden to have an abortion and that was considered really scandalous back then. She even had a big write-up in Life magazine just for having an abortion. Yeah, I know most of you are saying, "What is Life magazine?" Google it.


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