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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Fake News CNN Loses 47% of Primetime Audience, MSNBC Down Nearly 30%

CNN and MSNBC still haven’t learned that banging on about the Russia Collusion Hoax has damaged their networks. Not to mention all the other fake news they spread.

Compared to the same week last year, fake news CNN has lost a whopping 47 percent of its primetime audience and 41 percent of its total day viewers.

TV News is reporting that this CNN’s worst week in prime time all year.

Imagine though if you took away airports and gyms that play CNN 24/7 it would probably be much worse.

But let’s move on.

MSNBC hasn’t done much better. During their primetime, the fake news outlet lost 28 percent of its viewers. Throughout the total day, MSNBC is down 20 percent.



  1. to be fair it is spring and the weather is warmer so a lot of liberals are out on the street corners selling drugs or just out looking for things to steal that they can sell and use the money to buy drugs with.in the winter and cold months liberals stay home and watch cnn all day.

  2. Hold on, let me grab a Kleenex.

  3. Wx doesn't matter. Comparison is for same calendar time last year.

  4. Why on earth are people still watching TV news, anyway? I haven't seen a newscast on a TV in 10 years.

  5. No wonder with the likes of Maddow and Lemon spewing the vitriol. Frankly I think Maddow should take up pole dancing at the Blue Oyster and Lemon should invite Jussie Smollett to a nice little get away far far away, like Mars.

  6. The Communist News Network and the Main Stream Network of Bull Shit should both be declared enemies of the US constitution and the American people.

  7. I caught a couple minutes of Rachel MadCow yesterday while channel surfing - listening to her whine about her interpretation of the Barr summary of the Mueller report....They pushed this hoax for so long that they truly believe it is real!


  8. But on the upside Don Lemon got engaged to his boyfriend so a lot of their friends will now be tuning in. They can now charge higher ad rates in San Francisco.

  9. Keep up the good work, former viewers!

  10. What news? It is all opinion.


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