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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Conservatives Need to Reclaim Feminism or Pick a New Word

Are you a feminist?

For many conservative women, responding to that question becomes a backbreaking feat—expressing your viewpoint while attempting to dodge the left’s pro-abortion, anti-male infested word trap. For some women, it’s easier to just quickly say no and then endure the oncoming judgement.

But a weightier question remains. Should conservatives reclaim the word “feminism,” or finally toss it to the left?

That question took center stage last month when The Heritage Foundation and the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women hosted their monthly luncheon for conservative women. The two speakers—Kelsey Bolar from The Daily Signal and Inez Stepman from Independent Women’s Forum—took opposing positions on the question, and both women took a historical approach to explain her argument.



  1. When asked if they are a feminist conservative women should simply answer I am a woman and proud to one.

  2. Mike Pence voted twice against an Act that would bring equal pay to women in Indiana. That is simply a fact, not liberal speculation.

    1. Bold statement. Can we hear the whole story before judgment.

  3. Republicans have a long history of voting to take away women's reproductive rights. We have a self admitting adulterer in the white house and a VP whose voting record shows that he is not feminist in the least.

  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...hang on....hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha


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