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Friday, April 12, 2019

DISGRACEFUL! Three Republican Senators to Vote Against Herman Cain for Fed


  1. 3 RINO's on Steroids.

  2. I am really looking forward to renouncing my Republican registration on June 1, 2019, wish I could register as a Trumper!

  3. Republicans are becoming as worthless as Democrats. Time for a third party.

  4. Cowards and traitors - the first ones to surrender.

  5. So true 4:04
    Backstabbing republicans
    Time to remove them

  6. It is amazing that those self-righteous souls are unable to support their Party’s President and the good man that he has recommended. And no I am not black, but Herman Cain’s intellect far exceeds those three, and he would be a tremendous member to serve on the Fed.

  7. Don't change your registration. Just be careful of whom you are voting for. Don't vote for a person because of the letter attached to the name. We have Rinos because Democrats are running as Republicans and then vote along their fellow Democrats once elected. know your candidates, do your research.


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