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Friday, April 12, 2019

Chinese scientists put human gene into monkeys

For the first time, a team of Chinese scientists made use of gene-editing techniques to make monkey brains more human-like. By the end, the monkeys, rhesus macaques, got smarter and had superior memories as compared to the unaltered monkeys.

Researchers edited the human version of a gene known as ‘MCPH1’ into the macaques. The gene made the monkeys’ brain develop along a more human-like timeline. The gene-hacked monkeys showed better reaction times and improved short-term memories in comparison to their unaltered peers, as per China Daily.

However, some scientists also raised concerns regarding the technique, some even calling it ‘reckless’.



  1. Evil and Stupid at the same time...

  2. This is how planet of the apes started

  3. It need be destroy right away and Xi should known better not take lesson's from movies and put human race in danger and should be brought up to UN laws with heavy price with Nuclare strike on that area of that lab as civilian's pop as part of purging to protect our race on this planet for good reason and this massage to whole world and don't do gene infusing in animal's of any type and fall in bio weapon's class.

  4. Let's see, human genes in monkeys huh. Well it shows it doesn't work, look at Annapolis.

  5. Isn't that reverse engineering ? Weren't we already Monkeys ?

  6. Not Hardly ! I'm From Adam and Eve !

  7. Maybe they should try that on people who ride in the left lane and don't let people pass.


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