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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Broadway show based on Clintons promises to be better than the real thing

Hillary and Bill Clinton have hit the road on a national speaking tour, but fans — and detractors — may find more revelations in the Broadway show about the political players.

The Post described the real-life Clintons’ speaking appearance at the Beacon Theatre last week as a “snoozefest” that only livened up when an audience member yelled, “Bill, this is boring!”

There are sure to be more fireworks onstage at the Golden Theatre when Laurie Metcalf and John Lithgow portray the pair in “Hillary and Clinton,” which opens Thursday.

The warts-and-all play by Lucas Hnath is set in a hotel room during the 2008 New Hampshire primary, where the Clintons privately face off.



  1. It can't be better than the real thing because truth is always stranger than fiction.

  2. All of the sex with Janet Reno is going to make it have an X rating, and then there is Bills sex life to add to it.

  3. Who would want to see it? We've lived it for many years.

  4. Wow, political executions on stage.


  5. Flying lamps! And language too rough for sailors!

  6. I hope it's not a Musical . Lies don't make for great lyrics.

  7. Laurie Metcalf is a great choice for HRC. She can play a hateful bitch on wheels at the drop of a hat.
    Lithgow has his share of roles of both villain and victim (thinking HRC here), so he'll probably be a good one.

  8. The Clintons are so pathetic.


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