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Sunday, April 07, 2019

Berlin Mayor Proposes 29% Property Tax Increase; Next Fiscal Year’s $5.9 Budget Would Cut New Year’s Eve Ball Drop

BERLIN — Mayor Gee Williams proposed a 29% tax increase as staff presented an overall budget featuring reductions of 18% at a work session this week.

On Monday, Williams and the town council met with Berlin’s department heads to go over the proposed fiscal year 2020 budget. Williams kicked off the session by recommending an increase of the property tax rate from .68 per $100 of valuation to .88 per $100 of valuation. Under this proposal, the owner of a property valued at $300,000 would see a $600 tax hike in the next fiscal year. He said the $5.9 million proposed budget included no raises for employees and very few capital projects. Utility rate fees, which will be discussed at a work session April 15, are also projected to increase for residents this year as the town works to ensure the general fund doesn’t continue its practice of supporting utility operations.

“Neither I or the council fully grasped the extent and persistence that borrowing from the general fund has posed,” Williams said. “I do not believe any of us feel we can continue to borrow from our general fund for the foreseeable future. An 18% reduction in general fund expenses combined with a tax increase to 88 cents will enable the town to stop borrowing from the general fund reserves to support town operations.”



  1. Gee Williams never met a tax he didn't like.

  2. That's quite a jump in property tax. These idiots in Salisbury and Berlin committee themselves to things that obviously they can't afford. Eventually the taxpayers won't be able to do it the bill for the nation as a whole. I-D-I-O-T-S stop spending money so frivolously

  3. "Give us more, so we can do less!"


  4. The mayor is going to be an extremely popular guy after whatever tax increase he pushes through is adopted.

    When he looks for someone to blame for the out of control spending that caused this he'll only have to journey as far as his mirror!

  5. Recall this POS mayor.

  6. Dave T: He sounds like most liberals. Just can resist taxing and more taxing. Typical politician, can't fix a problem, doesn't care about tax payers and just loves taxing everyone for the incompetence of his own kind. No wonder people hate politicians, there are plenty of reasons why they should. I'm sure next time taxation is re evaluated he'll have another brilliant reason to continue the trend.

  7. why not an across the board %29 spending cut instead? I guess it`s easier for politicians to spend more of other peoples money than it is to live within their means.

  8. the mayor,town manager,and the finance director should all be fired.they cant control the finances.hope you enjoyed your time as a deadbeat mayor drunk gee!

  9. This is what happens when your not pro business and working taxpayers have to foot the bill.

  10. Tax themselves right out of existence.

  11. Okay - go ahead Williams - and while you are proposing increase our taxes by 29% I am going to call a Town Hall meeting at the Berlin library to form a Revenue Cap committee so as to handcuff your out of control spending habits.

    Next year it will be the same story, I can hear you now, we need to raise it another 30%. It's high time the public takes the matter into their own hands.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Now, now, its the north end. In their eyes it's all worth it to keep up appearances.

  14. So 5:19, if you lived in Berlin what would you actually do ? Nothing, you are no better or smarter than anyone else. Look in the mirror and read your rant out loud.

  15. To 5:14 Poster regarding Revenue Cap meeting. Please let me know as I cannot wait to attend. I promise to bring my entire neighborhood from Buttercup court and I'm quite sure they would all sign a revenue cap petition. This exorbitant taxation must END NOW!!!

  16. When your government stops listening to you as taxpayers it's time for the people to give them some guidance. Anon 5:14 & 6:27, when you decide to hold your meeting please advertise it widely, especially on SBY News, and feel free to contact me to attend. As a past president of VOICE Inc. in Wicomico County, we would be glad to attend and offer encouragement. John Palmer, Delmar Md.

  17. If you're looking for your comments 5:19, they were removed because you don't get to be a raging ass on Mr Albero's news source. You obviously think yourself above everyone. I feel sorry for you. Your weekly rants are so pathetic and trolling that you are obviously trying to compensate for your own short commings.

    1. I know where that comment is directed lol

  18. GEEEE. That will go over like a turd in a punch bowl.

  19. Democrats are going to ruin another town.

  20. John Palmer said...
    When your government stops listening to you as taxpayers it's time for the people to give them some guidance. Anon 5:14 & 6:27, when you decide to hold your meeting please advertise it widely, especially on SBY News, and feel free to contact me to attend. As a past president of VOICE Inc. in Wicomico County, we would be glad to attend and offer encouragement. John Palmer, Delmar Md.

    April 3, 2019 at 6:51 PM

    Don't listen to John Palmer. This Zombie is on the Wicomico County Board of Education and he keeps voting for increased spending every year.

  21. Anonymous said...
    If you're looking for your comments 5:19, they were removed because you don't get to be a raging ass on Mr Albero's news source. You obviously think yourself above everyone. I feel sorry for you. Your weekly rants are so pathetic and trolling that you are obviously trying to compensate for your own short commings.

    April 3, 2019 at 8:00 PM


    1. 3:11- If you don't understand English, I can't help you.

  22. Saw Kim “hateful” Holloway rose again, maybe if she convinced the idiots at the fire company to be more responsible (let’s build a 2 million dollar firehouse, when no one shows up now) with taxpayers money instead of griping, things could change

    1. My God are you right! Typical of today’s liberal do nothing but complain women! Don’t step to the plate with solutions.

  23. 8:52.just for your information you key board warrior,no tax dollars are being used to build the new station.all private donations.get your facts straight before you run your mouth.

  24. Why I would never live in a town. It's more Govt. More tax, more heart burn.


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