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Friday, March 01, 2019

True That


  1. They will be calling for Lady Liberty to be removed soon. They want to come here illegal and have it their way by changing this great nation. This statue is offensive to them because of the caption shown here. Sad thing is we will allow and let them do so.

  2. Agree 8:12 and again I say Amen!

  3. Don’t worship this Country

    It will pass into the dustbin of history and the world will be better for it.

    Worship instead the Father who created Heaven and Earth and has dominion over your soul.

    1. I will worship this country, the greatest country in the world & the American flag. All we need is good leadership, like we finally have, to help us improve
      and keep us strong. We have a chance to excel now, lets not waste this opportunity. Thank you President Trump for stepping up to the challenge.

  4. They're for taking down anything patriotic and part of our history they just want to make a new history with their slant on it and only one party the Democratic Party. Only those who are illegal immigrants with bad records, consisting of thieves, murderers and rapists, racists and socialists they think should now make up this country. Forget about our forefathers and those that have died in service, our 1st Responders, and every one that has actually ever worked a real job and contributed to the wealth and nation we have.

  5. So sad that most Americans know so little about the purpose of the Statue of Liberty, and why it was placed there as a symbol at that point in history. It was the direct result of the abolishment of slavery, and the need for cheap labor to fuel the industrial revolution. Most Americans don't have a clue....


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