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Friday, March 01, 2019

From The Facebook Page of Governor Hogan


  1. Hogan , a wolf in sheep clothing

  2. Biggest RINO ever = HOGAN.

  3. Help me understand here. You're ridiculing Hogan but it was the Dems who voted against the bill.

  4. Gov. Hogan I,m very surprised the Democrats wouldn't back you on that bill since you are a RINO, but then again that only goes to show once again there is no such thing as working with Democrats no matter how good your ideas are for the very people who are their biggest supporters and benefactors. Your facebook page needs to be brought to the attention of everyone in Md. and all across the USA. Democrats are not about doing what's right for America they are only about one party control and destroying the constitution and the American dream. You can not work with them so they must be treated as the enemy theyare.

  5. I don't listen to anything hogan says anymore
    Waist of air
    Hugh disappointment


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