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Thursday, March 21, 2019

The unbearable lightness of Beto

Beto O’Rourke is the Democratic front-runner today because he stands for nothing.

In the first 24 hours of his presidential race, the former congressman from El Paso raised $6.1 million. That’s a record haul, and to date, it is the most meaningful objective measure of support in the crowded Democratic primary field. Polls this early measure only name recognition. Beto is the front-runner.

The question is why. The answer is bleak.

The other Democratic candidates have either accomplishments or ideas to point to. Joe Biden was the vice president and played a large (if baneful) role in the Senate for decades, including as chairman of the Foreign Relations and Judiciary committees. Sen. Bernie Sanders created a grassroots movement and won 13 million votes in 2012. Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s policy proposals are bad, but at least they’re policy ideas. And say what you will about Sen. Kamala Harris’ gleeful promises to prosecute her enemies, but at least it’s a platform.


1 comment:

  1. He's an Obama wannabe. Therefore, stay as far away from him as you can.


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