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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Announced “All Cops Walk Day” To Reduce Patrol Emissions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Freshman Rep from New York’s 14th District Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or AOC as she’s affectionately known, isn’t stopping with the Green New Deal. Citing dangers “worse than any war in human history” AOC blames law enforcement officers for a staggering 37% of all emissions, given how often patrol cars are running to maintain 24 hour coverage.

She went on to passionately say, “These numbers do not even include take home cars or Federal agencies, but when the final results are in, we anticipate nothing less than a criminal amount of emissions from those that purport to ‘save lives.'”

More Satire HERE


  1. This is what we have become, a society run by absolute nut cases, Lord help us

  2. If AOC would keep her Pie Hole shut we could cut down on Emissions by 110% with all the Bull Crap that comes out of it !

  3. This woman just ruined blonde jokes for the rest of my life

  4. She is a danger to society. Needs to be "locked up" with Hillary.

    1. And the other 3 Muslim politician infiltrators.

  5. This woman is a clueless POS.

  6. We really don't need law enforcement do we? It's a conversation worth having !! Just talk nice to people and everything will be ok. And TAKE DOWN THE WALL


  7. Latest poll: Cow farts favored over AOC BS spew!

  8. Obama's little sister is AOCMarch 21, 2019 at 7:30 PM

    Why give this BAR SLUT any attention

  9. Cow fart Cortez lol


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