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Friday, March 29, 2019

Nellie Ohr met Christopher Steele at Mayflower Hotel the day before FBI's Trump-Russia investigation began

Nellie Ohr — Justice Department official Bruce Ohr’s wife — met with Trump dossier author and former British spy Christopher Steele the day before the FBI launched its Trump-Russia investigation.

The meeting took place at the Mayflower Hotel, which was described by President Harry Truman as "Washington's second-best address." President John F. Kennedy once kept an apartment — and a mistress — there. In 2008, Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York used an assumed name to book room 871 and meet a prostitute.

A newly released congressional transcript reveals her research on connections between Russia and President Trump, the Trump family, and Trump associates while she worked at Fusion GPS. She declined to answer most questions about her husband, who served as an unofficial back channel between Steele and the FBI.



  1. Boy, that Mayflower Hotel is something else!!

  2. Just like the ship of the same name, it has lots of rats using it.


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