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Friday, March 29, 2019

Joe Biden’s missing 'I' in his talk of 'white man’s culture'

On Tuesday night, former vice president and maybe 2020 Democratic candidate, Joe Biden offered a sort-of apology and a reflection on why he had failed to do more to stand up for Anita Hill almost thirty years earlier. Condemning “a white man’s culture” and calling for broad cultural change, Biden’s forceful remarks generated plenty of media attention and criticism for not dealing more directly with his role and clear ability to have “done something” as the then-chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Biden’s words, aside from rehashing his own culpability, also put front and center the broader cultural reckoning facing the country about our own past — a reckoning that reverberates quite clearly with Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again” chock-full of nostalgia for days that were far worse for large portions of the country.

Biden’s remarks hinted at but didn’t quite capture something that Americana country star Jason Isbell wrote about in his haunting song “White Man’s World.” He provides an illustrative rendering of what, I would hope, had been Biden’s goal to convey to his audience:



  1. Slow Joe on his brightest, most composed day is/was/will be a total jerk!

  2. Let's see, Abrahams and this little so each if you call it that, seems like like he is begging for the black vote. As he should be because they are realizing they are better now under Trump.

  3. Biden is so weird it's not even funny Something is seriously wrong with him. It would not surprise me to find out he has some sexual deviance going on. He is not normal and it so obvious.


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