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Thursday, March 07, 2019

JUST IN: Maryland House Approves Medical Aid in Dying Bill

The Maryland House of Delegates has approved a measure to allow the terminally ill to end their lives with a doctor's help.

The House voted 74-66 for the bill Thursday. It now goes to the Senate.

The measure would allow adults to obtain a prescription for life-ending drugs, if a doctor finds they have six months or less to live. The physician must certify that the person has the capacity to make the decision, and the prescription can only be self-administered. 



  1. This is another good move by the Democrates in the MD House. Too much money is being spent on keeping old people alive just to live another few extra months.

  2. I'd take two if I were you .

  3. Do they really need this law? Who does it help? Anybody can kill themselves with an OTC medication. There is no need for a doctor, expensive highly regulated medication, and special legal reporting. Is legal suicide somehow more beneficial than just doing it yourself, without a doctor's help, and the government's blessing?

  4. with luciferians in control we should expect no less...its not WWJD

  5. And what if the doctor is,( heaven forbid) wrong.

    I have a family member who was given less than 6 months to live due to a supposed deteriorating liver. He was supposed to have been dead at or around April 0f 2018.

    still here and doing better , thank you.

  6. First FULL birth abortion now this. WOW.

  7. Civil war is coming.

  8. I'm Catholic and I support it 100%. I haven't seen a good reason yet to not support it.

    One idiot said we shouldn't support this legislation because there was a mother who wanted to end her suffering but couldn't and that gave her son enough time to get home and "say goodbye." That is the most selfish reason I have ever heard. That poor woman suffered longer for selfish reasons.

    I have suffered enough and when the doctors says my cancer is inoperable I am going to pull a trick out of my hat so I don't have to keep suffering.

    God Bless Dr. Kervorkian!


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