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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Governor Hogan Statement on Trump Administration’s Cuts To Chesapeake Bay Program

Governor Hogan Statement on Trump Administration’s Cuts To Chesapeake Bay Program

ANNAPOLIS, MD - Governor Larry Hogan today issued the following statement on the Trump Administration's proposed Fiscal Year 2020 Budget, which would drastically cut funding for Chesapeake Bay restoration:

“As Governor of Maryland and Chairman of the Chesapeake Executive Council, protecting the Chesapeake Bay remains one of my top priorities. The EPA Administrator himself called the Chesapeake Bay Program a ‘high priority,’ making this week's cut in the budget a total betrayal. These cuts are potentially devastating to restoration efforts at such a critical time.

“Here in Maryland, leaders from both sides of the aisle have taken a strong stance on environmental conservation, and we hope our leaders at the federal level will do the same. As I have every year, I will continue to urge our federal partners to protect these critical investments into ongoing Bay restoration efforts and work with our congressional delegation to restore funding.

“The Chesapeake Bay is a state and national treasure, and federal support is essential to improving the waterway’s health. We will not allow several decades of environmental restoration to be dismantled. We will continue to fight hard against any cuts to the cleanup program.”


  1. After ALL the disrespect youve shown to Pres Trump....you expect favors? You Larry Hogan have revealed yourself as the mindless self-centered lying lame duck traitor that you really are. Youve not only disrespected Pres Trump and the majority of citizens across this Nation and shamed every tax payer and law-abiding citizen in MD.
    Just go away.

    1. Correct Hogan and his wife are both RINO pos.

  2. good luck you RINO pos maybe you should have supported our president. you have proven your nothing but a lapdog for the Tyrannical democrats who ruin this state. i cannot wait to vote with my feet..voting Republican in MD is useless

  3. Taxpayers would like to see that the money actually goes to cleaning the bay and not just hiring children of elites to get big paychecks.

  4. Good. Tax payers should not have to pay for this. If hogan had any integrity and courage he would go after the culprit and make them pay. The culprits are the chicken companies not meaning the growers but the companies themselves. They need big time regulation because they have been irresponsible for for ever. Between turning areas into toxic waste dumps to selling a product that many say is barely chicken anymore.

  5. Maybe he should have supported Trump instead of talking trash about him

  6. Hey Rino
    Maybe you should not run your fat mouth against the administration
    KARMA is a Bit#H huh?

  7. Too bad Gov. Hogan is enabling Maryland's Attorney General to file scores of lawsuits against the Administration and its policies.

    Didn't he realize that doing such would garner these results?

  8. Very disappointed in Gov. Hogan. Voted for him twice and wished him well during his illness but sorry he is not the conservative he purported to be.

  9. You can put a name to an organization to make it sounds meaningful and warm and fuzzy but the fact of the matter is the Chesapeake Foundation does very little to improve the health of the bay. In fact, nearly half of the foundations expenses are in salaries and fringe benefits to the tune of over 10 million dollars in 2017. No wonder the president is cutting their money.

    1. Way to go President Trump. Chesapeake Bay foundation is nothing but a scam to get money from anywhere and everywhere they can get it. They do absolutely nothing that actually helps the bay, just lobbying politicians to create more unnecessary laws is where all the money goes. Their strategy will never allow a healthy Chesapeake Bay, thus cutting funding. I say give them nothing President Trump

  10. Gov. Hogan has been very disappointing on many fronts that is for sure. He seems to think that his actions are necessary to appease the Democrats. However, if he were truly conservative, you would think that he would man up in this his last term, and verbally express appreciation for what the Trump Administration has done and is doing, which has definitely had a tremendous positive impact for the citizens of Maryland.

    He clearly seems to have lost his way, and seems not to understand the consequences of his verbiage and actions.
    He definitely is not the leader that many of us thought he was. Our only hope is that he soon recognizes his short comings.

  11. 600am bwahahaha, see the way this is SUPPOSED to work is government officials use facts and data to create policies they think will turn out the best for the American people. This is not the mob. And you should not be supporting the "kiss the ring if you want something" mafia approach you just touted. Pretty much shows why folks like you should take the day off next election.

  12. The Chesapeake bay is very healthy. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is a joke. Other than indoctrinating kids with their left wing filth they do very little other than raking in money and paying themselves large salaries to sit on boards and give out worthless contracts to their cronies.We will never get an honest assessment of the state of the bay as long as these bastards are allowed to profit off of it!

  13. More pollution comes from tributary sources out of state than from the whole state of Maryland...

  14. Hogan wouldn't need the cuts if he'd STOP with passing BULLSHIT bills from his democrat buddies. Tell your AG to STOP spending TAXPAYERS MONEY. It's funny how Hogan goes against everything the PRESIDENT does. Then gets pissed when PRESIDENT TRUMP decide to say FU HOGAN. WELCOME TO POLITICS FAT HEAD.

  15. Get on Jake days Daddy at PERDUE.

  16. remember the rain tax? hell we here on the shore are still paying a tax on septic so baltimore and the other western shore areas can upgrade their water treatment plants? wtf why am I paying to clean up all the shit that comes out of annapolis and balti?
    piss off larry!

  17. Hogan you have never done and never would do anything good for Maryland and sure have done zero so far for the bay except go to the Crisfield Crab Derby and fill up.

  18. With this year’s Fight for $15 bill to bring Maryland’s minimum wage up to $15/hour recently passing both the Senate Finance Committee and the House, it’s looking like Maryland will finally pass a $15/hour minimum wage bill after years of attempts — though not the bill Maryland workers need and deserve. The full Senate vote is pending.

    This year’s Fight for $15 bill in its original form was a progressive activist’s dream:

    It would have fully implemented the $15 per hour wage by 2023.
    It was chained to the consumer price index, which would have made the wage go up automatically every year to keep up with rising inflation and costs of living.
    It covered nearly every group of workers that traditionally get left out of Fight for $15 bills, including tipped workers, youth workers, agricultural workers and more.
    According to a study from the Maryland Center for Economic Policy, passing the bill in that form would have given raises to 573,000 workers, amounting to $2.6 billion extra per year into the pockets of low-income workers.

    Unfortunately, the initial Fight for $15 bill was too good to be true, and both the House and Senate versions of the bill were watered down horribly in committee.

    The House bill was the first bill to make it through committee, and that’s where most of the damage was done. This amended version of the bill exempted agricultural workers, created a lower “training wage” for workers younger than age 18, pushed the full implementation of the wage back from 2023 to 2025, exempted tipped workers and removed the attachment to the consumer price index.

    Without an attachment to the consumer price index, we will for sure have to fight this battle again in 2025 when $15/hour finally gets implemented, because $15 per hour by that point will no longer be adequate, and without an automatic increase every year, labor activists will have to form yet another coalition equivalent to Fight for $15 to mount a similar multiyear movement to increase wages again. Some other Fight for $15 bills that have been implemented in other states have covered tipped workers, meaning our Fight for $15 bill could be among the weakest in the country.

    The Senate Finance Committee version of the bill did not adopt all of those same amendments, but it did adopt an amendment pushing back the implementation for businesses with 15 employees or less (76 percent of all Maryland businesses) until 2028 — nearly 10 years from now, when $15 per hour will be hardly worth more than $10.10 per hour is worth now.

    As Maryland workers, we all need to come together and realize we are being denied fair wages for our work by our state legislators. Clearly they’re prioritizing the wants of businesses over the needs of workers, so we need to make our voices heard and demand a clean Fight for $15 bill that covers all workers by the year 2023.

    The Conference Committee to get the House and Senate bills to say the same thing before going to the governor to sign might be our last chance to get this Fight for $15 bill as strong as possible. Please call your state legislator and ask them to amend the bills to try to get them as close to the Fight for $15 bill in its original form as we can.

    Jake Burdett
    Vice Chair
    Wicomico County Democratic Central Committee
    student activist at Salisbury University.


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