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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Dead Wrong: Dems to Allow Deceased to Vote

Washington, D.C.- House Democrats launched a new plan to allow dead people to vote from beyond the grave on Wednesday.

The plan allows for family members to cast a vote for their dearly departed as if they were still alive. Deceased voters are eligible as long as they passed within the preceding ten years. When asked how to determine for whom the dead will vote, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said, “Who knows them better? Their families will make an informed decision based on the wishes they whispered in private.”

A passerby overhearing the interview asked Cortez how the “dead” can vote, to which she snapped, “We prefer the term ‘alternatively-alive.’ You’re a livist if you do not refer to them in the preferred manner.” She never actually answered the passerby’s question.

More Satire HERE


  1. Don't think for a minute that they haven't considered it.

  2. Don't give them any ideas

  3. dont think they arent already doing it

  4. You neo-cons trying to suppress the right of Deceased Americans to vote makes me sick! Dead Lives Matter!


  5. Not far from the truth. There is no bar on nursing home voters or Alzheimer's voters. Many nursing home residents have a physical issue and are still mentally sharp; others are not. But their votes are pursued by family or others intent on harvesting their votes.

    1. Did you notice democrats pushing people in wheel chairs to voting boots and the individual in the chair had no idea where they were. That was the 2016 election.

  6. If we have same day registration on voting day we are doomed.

  7. Sadly, there are some people that are going to believe this.

  8. This is a new policy???

  9. Mormans convert the dead. Why not ?

  10. Been doing it for decades in Chicago, among other places.

  11. The Dems are getting desperate for votes....only way they can win is by cheating.

  12. 10:31 - They are doing it, the dead have been voting for dems for years.

  13. Hillary already did that !!!! Still not enough to beat Trump

  14. This must be How the newbee Dems just got in !!!!!

  15. This is the same logic that was used on the SU noose case.


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