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Monday, March 18, 2019

Government Dependency


  1. Watching the British house of commons disgusting BANNING FREE SPEECH LINEL.AKA SOROS

  2. Only a doofus uses an anectdote like this to broadly paint a picture and come up with any sort of "analysis". Shows how dangerous "a little bit of knowledge" can truly be.

  3. This guy is 100% correct. The sad part is, what good does it do to watch or subscribe to Blue Collar. The idiot's that can do something are hired by us and not giving us a good days work. Out in the real world they would be dismissed.

  4. As long as ADHD, PTSD, spectral autism, diabetes and obesity are disabilities along with the ignorance of poverty and poor birth control we are all doomed.

  5. A vote for democrats is a vote for more of this.

  6. 1:28 PM - You've obviously never done any work in places like off MLK Blvd in Baltimore.

  7. Welfare queens like the ones described in the post, thankfully, are in the minority of welfare cases, but there's no excuse to have any at all.

  8. Only a doofus who has not worked in downtown D.C. and downtown Baltimore like I have, seeing the "Handicap" tags on 9 out of 10 cars parked on a meter, would not know that they can walk and run better than I can. It's called working the system. Because allowing these people to not try is enabling them to create another Haiti in the western hemisphere. And why should they try, when there are ignorant people (1:28) giving them the privilege card for false disabilities. Since outspoken people (1:28) won't move into S.E. Washington and experience reality we are all DOOMED to hear their bitch**g.


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