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Monday, March 18, 2019

A College "Education" Has Little To Do With Education

An old friend of mine, who taught political science for 25 years at the University of Colorado, was known to tell his students that the real reason they were there was to marry people from the right social class.

While perhaps a little overly cynical, this assessment certainly wasn't totally wrong. Few parents have ever been overly concerned with the supposed education their children receive at a University like CU. The real concern has primarily been the receipt of a degree from a respectable - although not "elite" in the case of CU - university. And, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, an additional benefit has been to ensure that little Susie and little Johnny also become accustomed to the social mores and habits of a certain socio-economic class.

Even if Susie doesn't meet a doctor at college, it's still best to send Susie to a place where she learns to socialize and interact with the sorts of people who will eventually become doctors and engineers and successful business people. When one is finished with his or her "education," one has a nice degree to show for it, plus a social circle comprised of presumably soon-to-be-successful people.

So, it shouldn't surprise anyone that it turns out rich Hollywood actors with intellectually and academically mediocre children have become obsessed with getting their children into high-status colleges. They employ bribes and fake test scores to purchase what they've always been able to purchase otherwise: a stylish consumer product, which is essentially all a college degree is for most people.



  1. When I was a military recruiter I interviewed 5 college graduates with degrees in Political Science from various State Universities. All of them wanted to become Officers in the military. Just one problem none of them could pass the enlisted ASVAB.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Flunked out of Salisbury State in Feb 62 and joined the army. Went through officer candidate school, military intelligence training and then flight school whereby I became a fixed wing reconnaissance aviator for 26 years. During that time .eventually received my bachelors degree from the university of California. Later, a masters through the army command and staff college. I missed out on the opportunity to become a major airline pilot because although I had all of the required flight credentials, they all required a degree.actually my point here is that I’d all the education I have been subjected to, I have never used any of it in my professional life. I sincerely believe that other than highly technical fields, going to college is a worthless endeavor and a total waste of money. Our youth are being scammed by colleges and universities who only care about their bottom line. Sad, all that debt for basically nothing.

  3. More to do with Orgies/ Girls /Booze !!!! LOL

  4. Girls Girls Girls that's college !!!!


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