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Friday, March 29, 2019

Chicago police to bill Jussie Smollett for cost of hate crime probe

Chicago officials, incensed by prosecutors’ abrupt and largely unexplained decision to drop all charges against “Empire” star Jussie Smollett, plan to slap the actor with a “bill” for the cost of the investigation, authorities said Thursday.

“The City of Chicago will be sending Mr. Smollett a bill,” said Police Department spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.

“From a 30,000-foot view, the bill will include the hours, the overtime, the financial costs and the resources that were used” in probing what the Windy City’s cops, mayor and even prosecutors still believe was a hoax, Guglielmi said.

And that tally won’t even touch on outside resources Chicago cops called in to crack the firestorm case.



  1. Bill for the max allowed that is 3x the amount they are billing him for which is allowed in Chicago courts. This is what you get when Soros takes over cities then states then the Federal Government.

  2. Just the forensics lab time should run close to $100K, time that could have been spent on real crimes with real victims. This bulls**t took priority, too.

  3. He should not just be billed but jailed this was a crime he is a racist who made a false report and kept it going and hired people to do the crime. He should be behind bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I'll never visit Chicago ! What a joke. People, just boycott that city - money talks, bull**** walks !


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