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Friday, March 29, 2019

Chattering Parrot Ocasio-Cortez Thinks Her Green Deal from Hell Can Fix the Flint Water Crisis and Midwest Flooding

NOT ONE SINGLE Democrat voted in support of the Green New Deal Tuesday in the US Senate.
The final vote was 0-57 with 43 cowardly Democrats voting “present.”

They didn’t have the guts to support the monstrosity that would destroy the entire US economy in less than 10 years!

This caused Ocasio-Cortez to suffer a major meltdown.
The unhinged New York Socialist lashed out at Republicans and blamed them for hurricanes and water cleaning system.



  1. Flint water crisis was created by financial mismanagement by the inept mayor and city council. When you put democrats in charge, it just doesn't work...

  2. "Chattering Parrot" best describes what we have in this Congresswoman.

  3. I get the fact she came to D.C. full of "pi$$ and vinegar" with her cap set to change the world. However, she needs to take a step back, catch her breath, and realize the way she is going about it makes her sound ignorant and well...yes stupid. Not only is she alienating voters, she is alienating her party who will sweep her away like so much dirt under the carpet. Now, the 2020 wanna be presidential contenders in the senate didn't have the ba!!s to man up and vote yes for the "new green deal". I know they were told to remain in lock step with Schumer by voting present but McConell has outed them and they don't like it.

  4. Ha! Man this moron is entertaining.


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