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Monday, February 18, 2019

ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com uses AI to generate endless fake faces

The ability of AI to generate fake visuals is not yet mainstream knowledge, but a new website — ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com — offers a quick and persuasive education.

The site is the creation of Philip Wang, a software engineer at Uber, and uses research released last year by chip designer Nvidia to create an endless stream of fake portraits. The algorithm behind it is trained on a huge dataset of real images, then uses a type of neural network known as a generative adversarial network (or GAN) to fabricate new examples.

“Each time you refresh the site, the network will generate a new facial image from scratch,” wrote Wang in a Facebook post. He added in a statement to Motherboard: “Most people do not understand how good AIs will be at synthesizing images in the future.”

The underlying AI framework powering the site was originally invented by a researcher named Ian Goodfellow. Nvidia’s take on the algorithm, named StyleGAN, was made open source recently and has proven to be incredibly flexible. Although this version of the model is trained to generate human faces, it can, in theory, mimic any source.

More here

[Sit and stare at these faces for a moment-- see if you can convince your brain that they aren't real. This is scary. --Editor]


  1. And people are just to stupid to see how bad AI can get or be, and once it is there, there is no way to stop it... Because as you all know, the govt regulations and safety into theses things comes after someone gets killed or hurt, but with AI, that will be way to late to solve the problem, in fact you wouldn't be able to solve the problem becasue it would have supposed itself by that point to be better...

    Everyone is like oh yeah, I get to be more lazy once AI gets here, Well you haven't seen anything yet!!!! I suggest you all watch that movie with shia labeouf called eagle eye and, granted it is just a movie, it really depicts what AI can and would more than like do... And once everything is computer operated and ran, and once everything is connected to the internet and once all of the cameras and track devices are in place, this is inevitable... And how do you all feel about an AI computer program being used to determine if you should be murdered or not??? and have no human intersection in that decision??? If you think this would never happen, you need to listen to Elon musk interview regarding AI... It is serious stuff...

    1. I agree with all that you stated 9:36, hut there should be a "fellow travelers" in there somewhere. Just saying ....

  2. I think I'll go on down to the Build-a-Mate store this afternoon.

  3. I guess I don't get exactly how this works. Please enlighten me.

  4. This MSM media disinformation is so that when truth comes to light in the near future they can deny its them on video! Research people, stop following the mockingbird media!


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