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Monday, February 18, 2019

Republican House Leader Has Some ‘Serious Questions’ For Adam Schiff

Bipartisan House and Senate Intelligence Committee investigations found no “direct evidence” that President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election.

The senate committee interviewed more than 200 witnesses and reviewed more than 300,000 documents before reaching its conclusion. Since then, senate Democrats have tried to poke holes in the claims by pointing out that “direct evidence” is rare and given the same weight has circumstantial evidence. House Democrats, led by new committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), have vowed to continue investigating anything they can to prove Trump has committed a crime – even using congressional authority to subpoena Trump’s tax returns.

In response to Schiff’s determination to find a crime, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) released a serious of questions for his Democrat colleague.

“Chairman Schiff stated in March of 2017, he had evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and that his ‘evidence’ was more than circumstantial but not quite direct. To date Chairman Schiff has produced no evidence to support that claim,” the Republican leader posted on his blog.

Schiff has come under scrutiny after it was reported that he had a 'chance' encounter with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson last summer during the Aspen Security Forum.


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