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Sunday, February 03, 2019

Stacey Abrams to give Democratic response to State of the Union

Stacey Abrams will deliver the Democratic response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address next week, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday.

Abrams drew national attention as the Democratic nominee for Georgia governor in a contested race against Brian Kemp. Abrams eventually conceded, but blasted Kemp, who was secretary of state, for how he handled the election and said he pushed suppressed voter suppression efforts.

Although she lost the race, Abrams is viewed as a rising star in the party. Most recently, Democrats have pushed her to consider running in Georgia's 2020 Senate race against Republican Sen. David Perdue. She recently met with Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairwoman Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) about the 2020 race.

"At a moment when our nation needs to hear from leaders who can unite for a common purpose, I am honored to be delivering the Democratic State of the Union response," Abrams said on Twitter.

When asked about Abrams delivering the State of the Union address, Perdue said he regretted the speech was delayed.



  1. who cares what she thinks it will all be trump bashing full of lies empty promises and deception.

  2. Look at her campaign. She showed she is a socialist anarchist that wants to destroy our democracy

  3. Racist rebuttle - who gives a rats rear end

  4. It’s already written


  5. Which team is she playing tackle for on Sunday?

  6. Never heard of a rebuttal.

  7. REALLY?? What's her qualifications?? She doesn't hold a public office. Oh that's right. SHE'S BLACK!! So because of that she's qualified for the rebuttal. This is going to be AWESOME. Watch this bumbling fool show the Nation way she's not qualified for ANYTHING!!

  8. This is the funniest thing I have read today! Democrats continually search to see how low they can set their own bar!!

  9. I bet her reaction is written before the state of the union address is even given. It in fact will not be a REACTION at all but a PRE-PLANNED ACTION to try to destroy anything our President attempts to do and has already done.

  10. I bet it would be amusing, if it wasn't so scary of the major push for socialism...scary!

  11. I was hoping Alexandra would give the speech. She's hot and provides great entertainment when dancing. She's a rock star!

  12. to bad she doesn't rebut the buffet line!

  13. The lowest of the lowest - really Dems! A loser to counter the State of the Union. Tell me did I miss something where she came from the getto and now knows how to run a country?

  14. The common purpose to which she alludes has to be the Dems' common purpose and no one else's.

  15. Yes Alexandria is HOT and I wish she would stick to what she knows,being a sexy hot bartender.

  16. This fat cow is not qualified to wipe her own fat a$$. Where do they get off letting her do that??? She is know-nothing ghetto scum.

  17. Democrats are plain stupid.

  18. I will turn to another show until she is finished, then I will turn it back when President Trump speaks!! She qualifies for nothing but a racist wanna be politician!

  19. And yet another POS

  20. Well she will ensure that most of America will not be interested in what she has to say about the SOTU address.

  21. Why didn't the democrats just pick Hillary? Same thing...loser!


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