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Sunday, February 03, 2019

Let This Sink In


  1. Umm what's the point? That we shouldn't have people look out for neglected/homeless animals?

    1. 6:05, The pup and kitten are worried about the human baby not having the protections they have.

  2. Nope pupper - we have planned parenthood looking out for us!

  3. The Humaine Society is certainly NOT Humaine !!

    All shelters should & must be NO KILL in order to be
    Humaine !!!

    Long Overdue ..... Plenty of tax $$$ the gov't waistes every
    day could & should keep Every animal Safe & Alive !!!

    The Murder shelters (kill like Hitler did in WW2 ) STOP it Now

    There is a place in Hell for those who Kill Innocent Animals !!

  4. I think they're talking about abortions

  5. 6:05 really. Mouth breather they are referring to who watches out for children. You have to be a liberal/Democrap

  6. Wow, 605. Just wow. I think the point is that we should care about babies up until they are born AT LEAST as much as we do about puppies and kittens.

  7. So sad that you feel that way. It means in New York a woman can "kill her baby"just before birth and sell the baby parts for money. We could never harm animals they are protected by law and should be but our future (our children) should also be protected. Why do we not put human life above animals.

  8. 6:05 stupid is and stupid does huh???? I see you can;t think outside the box, and no wonder, look at the stupid shit you say...

  9. If we were Civilized we would give our animals the Same
    protections & rights that people have.

    There is still a long way to go America !! SO sad

    Protect & LOve Every animal they are ALL good & innocent
    and know NOT ONE SIN .....bet you can't find One Human
    who can say that ....Not One !!!

    Let yea who has not Sined Throw the First Stone ...

  10. What should make everyone MAD .....all that damn Billions
    that just got Waisted on the stupid Govt Shutdown
    could have SAVED Many animals and humans

    The First law to be passed should be No more Govt shutdowns allowed Period if not it will come up every
    year !!!


  11. I'm happy to see some Catholic bishops are calling for NY Governor Cuomo to be excommunicated.

    He signed a bill on the anniversary of March for Life and Roe v Wade permitting abortion up until the baby is delivered. If an abortion is botched and the infant is born alive they can still kill the child. And the abortionist no longer has to be a doctor.

    As a Catholic, excommunicating prominent, and not-so-prominent, advocates of abortion is long overdue. Cuomo, Biden, Pelosi and their ilk have not feared church sanction for a long time. The bishops need to be clear and forceful.

    These politicians are free to advocate abortion under our understanding of the First Amendment. But they can't pretend that squares with Catholic teaching. The Church should make crystal clear that excommunication will be the consequence if they don't publicly recant.

  12. Our animals should be allowed / incl on our Family Health insurance plans .....to be Mandated by govt !!!!!

  13. Stop the Death Camps and call them what they are !!!

    calling them Humaine , Don't insult our intellegence

    Were Hitler's Death camps Humaine .....Hell No !!!!

    The so called Humaine Society should be called the

    Death Society ......Make ALL shelters (Death Camps) No Kill

    Protect and Love ALL our animals .....All Innocent & Good !!

  14. Put the Democrats in such a shelter !!!


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