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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Report: Americans Using Too Much Toilet Paper, Heating Planet

Americans use more toilet paper than anyone else in the world, helping destroy the habitats of native people who live where it is sourced and contributing to global warming, a research study said on Wednesday.

U.S. consumers use roughly three rolls of toilet paper a week, accounting for a fifth of the world's tissue consumption, according to the report by environmental groups Stand.earth and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

Single-use tissue products such as toilet paper used in the United States are made from wood pulp, mostly derived from logging in the old-growth northern, or boreal, forest in Canada, where logging companies clear-cut more than a million acres (405,000 hectares) every year, the NRDC said.

More toilet-paper-shaming here..


  1. 3 rolls a week? What???

  2. I use as much damn toilet paper I need to get the job done!
    Who in the hell do they think they are telling us what to do!!!!!
    Are we now going to have camera's in the bathroom?
    Will Alexa or Siri be watching us!!!!
    Screw them!!!!!!!

    1. alex & siri won't be watching me

  3. Well just for spite I think I'll start wasting several rolls when I do my business!

  4. What's Next ?? are they taking this away too ! use a hand?

    Use leaves ??

    1. Can't use the Sear's Christmas catalog any more :(

  5. There should be an environmental tax on TP that women use, as they use 3-4 times (or more, depending on the time of month) the TP that men use. Households should be taxed according to how many women reside there. Men should not be penalized for the excessive use of TP by women. Not "PC"? Too bad. It's the truth.

    1. 11:08 wants another tax, we are taxed to the max now. Got to be a Snowflake

  6. Sometimes the truth hurts

  7. Corncobs! That's all you need! Good enough for grandpa, good enough for you!

  8. New housing should come with a bidet.

  9. Maybe they're also counting newspapers like the Daily Times.

    1. If someone would make and sell hillary, nancy, chuck, or comey toilet paper, I would the hell out of it. Probably wipe my butt every half hour or more.

    2. If someone would make and sell hillary, nancy, chuck, or comey toilet paper, I would the use the hell out of it. Probably wipe my butt every half hour or more.

  10. Dave T: I've got the answer to this problem - straight up - Just use the latest legislation from our stupid politicians on all levels. The product of their great efforts will make your current toilet paper obsolete. Can' think of a paper source more abundant or fitting to take over the role.

  11. Wow that much TP. I can only imagine how much methane gas were producing. Soon we’ll be ordered to wear the “cow methane gas collecting backpack”. Or at least the Fed’s should order Taco bell & Chili’s restaurants to provide “gas backpacks” for their customers.

  12. Send me the addresses of these wackos. Id be happy to send my used tp to them so they can use it and cut down on waste.

  13. I will utilize what is necessary, no more no less.

  14. 11:08 AM - Let me guess, you're single.

  15. if we didnt have to clean up all the sh#t from the dumbocrats,we wouldnt have to use as many sh#t tickets!

  16. February 21, 2019 at 11:43 AM:

    But grandma sure didn't like those corncobs. Too rough on the "delicate" parts!

  17. Next > you will be charged for how much AIR you breath !!!

    Airlines are looking at this , on top of luggage charges

    You will be given a bottle to get you to your destination &
    charged accordingly (checked & metered)

    Can't use toilet paper , so your waist will just be Dumped
    in the air , & You are on your own to devise a plan to Wipe
    yourself ......tuff !!!

  18. Guess French toilet sales will go up now !!!

    Wipe your behind with Water Pick !!!

  19. Reminds me of demolition Man and the 3 shells

  20. February 21, 2019 at 10:21 AM :

    You obviously don't know the cost of TP, and are not the one that purchases it for your family.

  21. February 21, 2019 at 1:19 PM:

    Unable to comprehend sarcasm?

  22. I get more unless mail from the gov than can possibly use in toilet paper. DNR, DOT, MD HEALTH DEPT , FDA, NOAA, EPA, OSHA, MOSHA, LABOR , WORK COMP, IRS,MD DEPT OF EVERYTHING. 99% is useless info or 30 more laws that I don't have time to read. Pass a law where these have to be made out of tissue paper so we can put them to good use!

  23. We can crap on the sidewalk like California does.

  24. Why does Canada allow clear cutting forests without replanting. A million acres a year?

  25. You know America has gone to hell when you can't Wipe
    your ass in peace & even that right is being taken away !!!

  26. Wow 11:08, you could be the woman's potty police since apparently you spend so much time watching them pee. Where did you hide the cameras and did you have to dress up in woman's clothes to hide them?


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