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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Preseason Trout Stocking

Maryland Department of Natural Resources crews stocked 24,250 trout.

Allegany County
  • Evitts Creek: 900 golden and rainbow trout
  • Jennings Run: 1,100 golden and rainbow trout
  • North Jennings Run Watershed: 300 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Wills Creek: 900 golden and rainbow trout 
Baltimore County
  • Stansbury Park Pond: 750 golden and rainbow trout
Calvert County
  • Calvert Cliffs Pond: 300 golden and rainbow trout
  • Hutchins Pond: 450 golden and rainbow trout
Carroll County
  • Piney Run Reservoir: 1,300 golden and rainbow trout, full spring allotment for this location
Charles County
  • Hughesville Pond: 300 golden and rainbow trout
  • Myrtle Grove Pond: 650 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Wheatley Lake: 900 golden and rainbow trout
Frederick County:  
  • Middle Creek: 900 brown, golden and rainbow trout 
Garrett County
  • Casselman River: 2,450 rainbow trout (delayed harvest)
  • Youghiogheny River:900 rainbow trout (delayed harvest)
  • Youghiogheny River, Friendsville: 450 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Youghiogheny River, Oakland: 900 golden and rainbow trout 
Howard County
  • Centennial Lake: 750 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Little Patuxent: 1,100 golden and rainbow trout (two per-day)
Montgomery County
  • Lake Needwood: 750 golden and rainbow trout 
Prince George's County
  • Allens Pond: 600 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Cosca Lake: 600 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Governor Bridge Pond: 300 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Greenbelt Lake: 450 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Lake Artemesia: 450 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Melwood Pond: 450 golden and rainbow trout 
  • Tucker Pond: 450 golden and rainbow trout 
Queen Anne's County
  • Unicorn Branch: 300 golden and rainbow trout (two per-day)
Washington County 
  • Antietam Creek: 450 brown, golden and rainbow trout  
  • Greenbrier Lake:2,650 golden and rainbow trout
  • Licking Creek: 450 brown, golden and rainbow trout 
  • Little Tonoloway Creek, Upper: 300 brown, golden and rainbow trout 
  • Sideling Hill Creek: 750 brown, golden and rainbow trout 


  1. Can we get them to drop a few dozen off at the house?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. total joke! nothing for beaverdamn creek, shame I was looking forward to catching the creel limit of one 8" trout per day to feed my cat!
    Yup this is money well spent by the biggest waste of an organization in the state! Maybe dnr should spend more time going after drunk state troopers! would be a better use of resources!

  4. Read some of your local police beat. DNR catches "come here's" with hundreds of undersized, out of season catches. Why keep continue to stock the waterways when their pillaging everything in sight

  5. Millions spent to catch and generate millions more for fining a tourist catching a fish while on vacation yeah I’m impressed! Meanwhile opioids are everywhere.


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